Please Help, prolapsed hen parts?


Apr 27, 2023
Vid below, she doesn't seem phased, acts normal, associates herself with the flock but she hasn't laid in awhile and she sleeps a lot, came outside to see this


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So sorry. We had a hen with a prolapse but it wasn't bleeding like that. All I can tell you is what we did but I don't know how yours will respond.

First, if you have a place where you can isolate her. Do you have something like caltrate which is 600mg calcium and D3. Ok, she needs a butt wash- gently- pat dry as best possible. Spray butt area with vetrycin(?) Wear gloves try and push prolapse back in. Crush caltrate tablet mix with a little water put in syringe and give to the hen. Keep her isolated with some water and keep an eye on her. Our hen's prolapse stayed in and she joined the flock within 24 hrs. Sometimes the prolapse doesn't stay in and more than likely have to cull.
I have had prolapses take days to get to stay in, sometimes it only takes a day, it's hard to predict. Most importantly you need to keep the tissue moist until it stays in, don't let it dry out. You can apply honey or sugar, the honey will help keep it moist, the sugar can help reduce swelling. Reapply as often as needed to keep everything covered and moist. You can also use hydrocortisone cream. Just don't let it dry out. Give her a soak in warm water, gently clean it up as well as you can. Once you've applied ointment/honey, etc. gently push the prolapse back in and hold it. You may need to hold it a while as they will often strain and push it back out. Until swelling comes down, they feel like they need to push. So often you have to keep repeating until it finally stays in. I have for some used a wrap to help hold the prolapse in over night. There are pictures of one of those here, scroll down:
Since there is blood, she may have been pecked, so look for any wounds or damage when you soak her, it's common for other birds to peck at the red tissue of a prolapse. Some antibiotic ointment can be applied there if there is any wound. The soak usually helps them relax as well. Crate her on some clean towels or puppy pads to help keep things clean. Some birds will prolapse once, could be a large or mishappen or rough egg, or other unknown reason. Some birds do it repeatedly. If it becomes a repeat thing, then I would consider culling then. I had one bird recently prolapse, it took almost a week to get it to stay in. She prolapsed again a couple of weeks later, much worse, but this time it stayed in after the second day. It's been a couple of months now with (so far) not another prolapse, so fingers crossed.
I have had prolapses take days to get to stay in, sometimes it only takes a day, it's hard to predict. Most importantly you need to keep the tissue moist until it stays in, don't let it dry out. You can apply honey or sugar, the honey will help keep it moist, the sugar can help reduce swelling. Reapply as often as needed to keep everything covered and moist. You can also use hydrocortisone cream. Just don't let it dry out. Give her a soak in warm water, gently clean it up as well as you can. Once you've applied ointment/honey, etc. gently push the prolapse back in and hold it. You may need to hold it a while as they will often strain and push it back out. Until swelling comes down, they feel like they need to push. So often you have to keep repeating until it finally stays in. I have for some used a wrap to help hold the prolapse in over night. There are pictures of one of those here, scroll down:
Since there is blood, she may have been pecked, so look for any wounds or damage when you soak her, it's common for other birds to peck at the red tissue of a prolapse. Some antibiotic ointment can be applied there if there is any wound. The soak usually helps them relax as well. Crate her on some clean towels or puppy pads to help keep things clean. Some birds will prolapse once, could be a large or mishappen or rough egg, or other unknown reason. Some birds do it repeatedly. If it becomes a repeat thing, then I would consider culling then. I had one bird recently prolapse, it took almost a week to get it to stay in. She prolapsed again a couple of weeks later, much worse, but this time it stayed in after the second day. It's been a couple of months now with (so far) not another prolapse, so fingers crossed.
Thank you, it has gone back inside on its own but I am still treating her and will keep a close eye on her for a few days, I have her isolated from the other chickens aswell.

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