**PLEASE HELP** Rescued Duckling!!


Mar 21, 2017
Nashville, Tn
Hello! I am SO glad I've stumbled across this forum, I really hope that any of you could help me out.

So my fiance stumbled across a few troubling kids whom were pretty much playing catch with a poor little duckling, he stopped them immediately and brought it home.

Thing is. We decided to take this on
And as we have a HUGE heart for animals.. we don't have any experience with ducks. Only basic knowledge that they need to stay warm, and have plenty food/water.

Right now I have it in a cardboard box, with a lid halfway on, and a heater pointed in its direction.

I'm not sure where to go from here
.. I want to give him/her the best care a ducky could get.

It's still kinda goopy from the birth and he has shell stuck to it. When can I bathe it?

What do I feed it? I've crushed up some Earthworms and he's not interested.

Its has had water for sure, lots of it.

Suprisingly, after what he/she has been through, its happy chirping and nuzzling my finger. Is this imprinting?

Please no rude comments. As I stated before I want to give it the best care a ducky could get but I need guidance.

Thank you!
for rescuing lil duckling, and

I don't have ducks, but you are doing the right thing to take in and offer water and food. Since you don't have duck starter feed, you can try to give some crushed corn flakes.(unsweetened) or other cereal. You can get feed at pet store or stores like Tractor supply during the day. I am sure many that keep ducks here will advise you on all you will need to do.
Hi. It would be good if you could post a photo so we can see what breed of duckling it is.
Its best to find another duckling to raise with it. They dont do well alone.
For feed: all flock raiser crumble from a feed store
Chick grit or dirt available to it.
Ducks need xtra niacin. So adding a little brewers yeast, or nutrional yeast.
Water deep enough to dunk its head in to clean out its nose.
They need a heated spot around 80-85 degrees and then enough room to get away from the heat- down to 65-70 degrees.
Thats all for raising a domestic duckling.
There are wild breeds as well so it will be good to get a photo so someone can be of more help.

Hello, neighbor! I'm just south of you, lol... there are a few duck lovers close around you, and plenty of help available... big :hugs for rescuing the poor thing! Looks like a common grey (or mallard) pattern/color so could be anything from a Mallard to a Rouen...

I've raised singletons before and while not ideal, if they get a lot of attention, they can thrive just as well as others... but if you'd like a young friend for yours, give me a holler... I have mixed standard sized ducks and bantam Calls both...

Tractor Supply carries Purina Flock Raiser Crumbles, that would be your best bet for a balanced diet... it's formulated with the proper amount of Niacin for ducklings, so no need to add additional to it...

Keeping warm is good, just watch for signs of it being too warm, like panting... ducklings regulate their body temps quicker and easier than chicks... and always keep a water source deep enough to dunk it's whole head, they need to flush their nares and their eyes out whenever they need to...

Any other questions, just ask... and you are welcome to PM as well, always available to help a fellow duck lover... :)
As for the goo place in a small amount of nice warm water where it's warm in a bath room is good. Wash a best you can [no soap] then use a soft small towel or wash cloth and pat dry then directly back to warm box. That link to caring for ducklings give alot of great info. And bless you all for rescuing that duckling from death most likely..

Lil one will probably love being in some warm water for bathing just up to top of legs to start with. And always supervised.
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