Please help! Rooster attacking hens


12 Years
Jan 26, 2010
Oakdale, MN/Somerset, WI
They are all the same age - we have 1 orpington roo with an orpington hen and a brahma hen... there is also a silkie roo and 4 silkie hens, but they pretty much ignore each other. The rooster just started attacking both hens today. He has pulled all of the feathers out of both big hens, so they are now bare. He's never done it before, so I don't know what's wrong! What should I do?
You could try separating them for a couple of days to see if that works...if not you will either have to get rid of him or it's freezer camp for him.
I would definately separate them. Does it appear that he is trying to mate them or is it outright attack? If it's the second, I would kill him with no hesitation. Watch that he does not escalate and start on the silkies. He has the potential to kill them as well as your standard hens. I'd give him a "cooling off" period then reintroduce him under supervision. If he started this behavior again, he would have to go one way or another.
How will the hens stay warm now? Won't it take a while for the feathers to grow back? MN is cold now.

poor girls
It is an outright attack. He is in the coop now, but in a big dog kennel, since we weren't sure what we were going to do. It is cold! It's been warm the past week though, getting up to the 40's most days, so I hope they will be ok! I'm guessing he will be butchered or rehomed... depends on if anyone can butcher him. I know I can't!

Thanks for your advice!!!!

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