Please help! Sick chicken


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
I had a hen Monday that was just standing there in the yard and seemed off. She could not go to the bathroom. I brought her in and managed to get out a shriveled up soft shell of an egg.. She was doing pretty good and seemed perky so I let her back outside. Tuesday evening she did not have a full crop so I brought her back in the house. She spent the night inside. This morning she has not pooped at all in 12 hours but layed a bunch of egg goo without any shell. She keeps opening and closing her beak. Please, how can I save her? What is wrong?
How old is your hen.....

Do you have her on a layer feed with good calcium.

She sounds like either laying internal or some malfunction...and has developed an infection.
Is her bottom swollen up at all...balloon like?
Panting is often a sign of pain....

She would need an strong antibiotic. Also give veggies oil in her food...up calcium etc...
Do a search on internal laying and acities (sp) for more detailed info and treats
She is an 8 month old Barred Rock. She is on Purena Layena feed plus they free range and get greens and such from me. They also have grit and calcium to eat. She is eating and drinking but not really doing much else.
She finally pooped. Looks normal and is now hopping around eating. Doesn't make any sense to me.

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