Please help sick hen

Jun 8, 2020
Tillsonburg, Ont, Canada
My hen is sick but not sure whats wrong. I noticed yesterday she wasn't wanting to leave coop she isn't going on roost bars but resting in a lower nest box . She is not eating or drinking. And seems like no energy just wants to sleep. My husband did notice a few days ago the rooster being very mean to her and then some of the hens started to pick on her also. She seems to be breathing normal its not raspy , no cough , no sneezing, no mucus, not sure if her eyes look different or just because she keeps closing them. I bought electrolytes for chickens at my feed store also has added vitamins....I have been giving her dropper full several times today by dripping it along the side of her beak and she will open for my to put drops in her mouth. Any suggestions will help...I tried giving her a warm scrambled egg but no luck.
How old is she?

Photos may be helpful. (hen/poop)

I would continue to try to get fluids into her. She may be having some reproductive issues - if she's a consistent layer, then I would feel inside the vent just to make sure there's no egg. While you're at it, look her over for lice/mites and feel her abdomen below the vent between the legs for bloat/fluid. Check her crop in the morning before she eats/drinks to make sure it's emptying.

If she's still where the rooster can pick at her, then I would move her to a kennel if possible for protection. It may be necessary to provide her with some extra warmth. Do you have a garage or spare room you can move her to?
My hen is sick but not sure whats wrong. I noticed yesterday she wasn't wanting to leave coop she isn't going on roost bars but resting in a lower nest box . She is not eating or drinking. And seems like no energy just wants to sleep. My husband did notice a few days ago the rooster being very mean to her and then some of the hens started to pick on her also. She seems to be breathing normal its not raspy , no cough , no sneezing, no mucus, not sure if her eyes look different or just because she keeps closing them. I bought electrolytes for chickens at my feed store also has added vitamins....I have been giving her dropper full several times today by dripping it along the side of her beak and she will open for my to put drops in her mouth. Any suggestions will help...I tried giving her a warm scrambled egg but no luck.
Here are pics of hen this morning and pic of her poop on a white sheet I was holding her on while on my lap. Last 2 are of the bully rooster. I do see her one eye has a puff of sticky stuff around it this morning .I gave her electrolytes again by baby dropper and making some warm mash from the layer pellets now


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I would use a warm wet cloth to soften up any goop around her eye (just hold it there until it loosens up) and gently remove the ick.
She is roughly 5 months ... rooster 9 months....I will get pics in morning
Here are pics of hen this morning and pic of her poop on a white sheet I was holding her on while on my lap. Last 2 are of the bully rooster. I do see her one eye has a puff of sticky stuff around it this morning .I gave her electrolytes again by baby dropper and making some warm mash from the layer pellets now
The poop is concerning to me. I would make sure there's no egg stuck or she's not bloated below the vent between the legs.
Her eye, hopefully she was just pecked if the cockerel has been bothering her. I would rinse it with saline to help get any debris out and apply an eye ointment like Terramycin. If you can't get that, then original Neosporin can be used in the eye.

Is the cockerel trying to mate her or is he beating her up? If beating her up, then that's likely the main issue with her.

If you are keeping him in that wire cage outside like that, it would be a very good idea to place a nice layer of straw in the cage to help protect his feet from the snow and wire.

Observe the cockerel, he's young and your pullets are even younger. If he's harassing them due to hormones, he may be better off separated for a while until he's a little older.
If he's beating them up, then I would still separate for a while, see if he gets over that, if he doesn't then cull him. Not being mean, but I've dealt with a hen beating rooster and it's just not worth the stress on the hens and no matter how long you keep them separated they go right back to the same behavior.
The poop is concerning to me. I would make sure there's no egg stuck or she's not bloated below the vent between the legs.
Her eye, hopefully she was just pecked if the cockerel has been bothering her. I would rinse it with saline to help get any debris out and apply an eye ointment like Terramycin. If you can't get that, then original Neosporin can be used in the eye.

Is the cockerel trying to mate her or is he beating her up? If beating her up, then that's likely the main issue with her.

If you are keeping him in that wire cage outside like that, it would be a very good idea to place a nice layer of straw in the cage to help protect his feet from the snow and wire.

Observe the cockerel, he's young and your pullets are even younger. If he's harassing them due to hormones, he may be better off separated for a while until he's a little older.
If he's beating them up, then I would still separate for a while, see if he gets over that, if he doesn't then cull him. Not being mean, but I've dealt with a hen beating rooster and it's just not worth the stress on the hens and no matter how long you keep them separated they go right back to the same behavior.
Thanks ....wire cage was just to get his picture....but my husband decided to cull him when I went uptown earlier he caught the rooster beating up another hen....said the poor hen was cornered against coop and rooster was pecking it very aggressively. So I came home to find rooster ready to be cleaned . He is now in freezer.

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