Please help sick runt chick. Can't figure out the problem. NOW WITH VIDEOS, PLEASE WATCH!

I just hate watching them suffer though

In my experience you can only do so much for them. And, if it makes it, it may have some other internal problem and will die later anyway. So, sounds like you are doing what you can, keep doing it and you may be surprised.
I'm still concerned and hoping it is just a temporary issue..but it definitely does act like it has neurological issues. Wouldn't it be nice if miracles existed?
Well it looks like its dyeing now

Its not moving and it can't get up at all.
Its legs twitch every now and then and you can see it still breathing...but i don't think it has much longer...
I feel awful that its suffering and i wish i could put it out of its misery but i can't cut off its head or break its neck...i just can't.
This is just so horrible..
In my experience you can only do so much for them. And, if it makes it, it may have some other internal problem and will die later anyway. So, sounds like you are doing what you can, keep doing it and you may be surprised.

You have not talked about the nutritional side of this? Are you feeding this chick medicated chick feed that is smooched in water or not? Have you added to this chicks feed or water, sugar to give it more energy to burn up? You have given it Enfamil Poly-Vi-Sol but what real foods and food groups are you offering this baby to compensate for the missing proteins? I hope it is high in proteins bc I think since the entire yoke inside the egg it was born in was not entirely absorbed and it is lacking in proteins, protein and more protein and you can offer it now by giving it foods high in proteins being slowly hand fed in tablespoon size amounts. You need to introduce them a bit at a time by mincing them up or grinding them in like a coffer grinder (I use it to mix and break up seeds) these foods offer substance other regular food does not like! eggs (scrambled or hard boiled or fried), flax seed, linseed, sunflower seed no shells ground up, broccoli & cauliflower cooked soft and then crushed up, cooked chicken minced up in a food processor, corn frozen in a bag and steamed, mealworms, cottage cheese with flax seed, linseed, sunflower seed no shells ground up in it. Good luck there is my 2 cents I wish you the best with this little baby......
I have a question:

If this baby chick had Neurological problems, was there anything that could have been done to help it? Or is that a death sentence? I'm sure you know what side I'm leaning towards.

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