Please Help!! Silkie Chicken head really injured

Silkie skulls can be different than most other chickens because sometimes they are bred to have vaulted skulls. If she isn't acting off, I wouldn't be terribly concerned about a head injury. Scalp injuries tend to bleed like mad so if it's stopped, then great. I'd keep the wound covered; change the wrapping daily and clean the wound to keep it from drying out, and get some antibiotic ointment (without pain relief) as soon as you can. Keep her away from the other chickens until it's healed thoroughly.
Silkie skulls can be different than most other chickens because sometimes they are bred to have vaulted skulls. If she isn't acting off, I wouldn't be terribly concerned about a head injury. Scalp injuries tend to bleed like mad so if it's stopped, then great. I'd keep the wound covered; change the wrapping daily and clean the wound to keep it from drying out, and get some antibiotic ointment (without pain relief) as soon as you can. Keep her away from the other chickens until it's healed thoroughly.
I can't cover it, but is it ok if I but honey and flour on it?

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