Please help: sneezing ringneck dove.


9 Years
Jun 4, 2010
I have a single female ringneck dove. She lives indoors with a male diamond dove. For the last week or two, she has began sneezing several times a day. They sound dry and she doesn't seem to have any discharge. She still acts normally- eats, drinks, etc. Is any there anything I can do? Have recently spent a few thousand dollars on vet bills for my dogs, I'd rather try something at home before taking her to a vet.
They do that sometimes when they get water in their nostrils from taking long drinks, or when they get dust caught in their throat. Usually means you need better ventilation in the loft, if it isn't a respiratory disease. Or, just like us, it could be just about anything that might irritate their throat/mouth.
Thanks for the help. She seems to be doing better. I haven't heard it for awhile.

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