

Mar 4, 2021
Its 4th of July and a random tiny duckling showed up while I was out weeding. Thank goodness my chickens didn't see it first! IT'S SO TINY. Duck people - please help me keep this duckling alive until I can find a rehabber or at least someone more qualified than me.
IDK what to do with a duck. I keep chickens.
I put it in a large plastic tote with some wood chips, a shallow bowl of water and sifted out the smallest bits of chick starter feed into a plastic jar lid. Its 95 degrees here in S Louisiana, so no heat lamp. It's quite active, seems healthy.
I can't imagine where it came from or how it's still alive with the insane number of feral cats, coons, possums, loose dogs, etc.
This is a very rural area, I'm 1/4 mile from the river. There is a road, a levee, and a dirt road on top of the levee between me and the river.

Pretty sure ducky is too tiny to just go put it in the river and let it fend for itself?? It has no feathers, only fluff. Can it even float yet?
What do ducklings even eat? All I have is chick starter, meal worms and dry/canned cat food.
Please help, it's so, so tiny and it managed to survived a night of predators - it deserves to live.
Will DM my phone number if that will help anyone help me help Ducky
Oh my!

Fortunately, I've found ducks easier than chickens. It can eat crumble, but you should add niacin (nutritional yeast flakes or liquid niacinimide). And I agree it's too little to fend for itself.

A tote with shavings is fine. Water for a little one like that can be just a chick waterer for now. They grow insanely fast! In a week or so, you'll need to switch waterers to a shsllowish bowl with a lid that has a hole cut in it.

But if you don't intend to keep it, you should be able to find a rescue facility or someone to adopt it. It's sure cute!
I'll add that the warmth requirement is important, but less precise than with chicks. I had a heating pad in my duck brooder with an old guinea pig cave over it. But heat lamps are ok, too. Honestly, a chick brooder set up is totally fine while they're little.

And my ducklings were in the water for a few minutes starting day one. I put them in a paint tray with about 1 in of very warm water (think a warm bath you'd take) for about 10 minutes. They can't float, but they can wade around just fine. Just gotta dry em off before you put it in the brooder.

Must ALWAYS have water with food. Always. They can choke otherwise.
set up a regular chick brooder, you can put a shallow container of water and food. It will be okay until you can get animal rescue/rehab
that is a wild wood duckling, please take them to a rehabber as soon as possible. i’ve never had one but i’ve heard they are WAY harder to care for then other ducks and the ducklings pass away very easily
Lousiana Fish and Wildlife isn't answering their phone or email, and I cannot find a rehabber anywhere near me. I'm in Batchelor Louisiana - if anyone can help find a rehabber Please, please post their info. I promise to do my best for it but I can't keep a duck. I don't want a duck.
Excellent info. Thank you all!! I removed the shallow water dish and put in a chick waterer.
What do I do about food? Is the sifted tiny pieces of chick starter ok? Do I dampen or wet it? Fingers crossed we can find a rehabber who can take Ducky today.

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