Please help! What am I doing wrong? (warning: semi-graphic photo)


10 Years
Aug 24, 2009
Can someone please help me? I dont know what I am doing wrong.

When I woke up at 2 am this little peep was actively zipping. You could see it had plenty of room to maneuver and was progressing nicely. I went back to bed and when I woke up this morning I was horrified to find that the half-zipped peep was dead in the shell. The egg membrane was moist but the inside of the egg around the pip was stickyish and had this yellow froth look to it. Also, the peep seemed swollen in the egg now.

My temp has held steady at 99.5 and humidity has been 70-75% since lockdown.

I had a similar problem with my last hatch. Most of the eggs made it to full term and died before pipping. One that did pip was similarly stuck. Most thought it was too high of humidity during the first 18 days so this time I did the dry hatch method using 35% humidity for the first 18 days.

This is so disheartening. I dont know what I am doing wrong and it seems to keep happening. Please help.

Did you use the incubator without disinfecting it. I'd try thoroughly scrubbing it out and try again. It may be something bacterial. Sorry it's not working out for you! Have you gotten ANY chicks?

ETA: Maybe get another thermometer too just to be sure of accuracy.
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Thanks guys. Yes, I completely bleached the incubator, egg turner and thermometers out and let it sit after my last hatch (even took a q-tip with disinfectant to the parts in the top half of the bator).

I've got 2 thermometers, one in a "water balloon" probe and another regular (but reliable) thermometer. Both read 99.5.

The good news I did have one hatch last night. Day 21 doesnt start until 10pm tonight so I will wait to see how the other 7 eggs do.

Urgh...this is so upsetting. I just want to cry.

Thanks for the compliment on my boy--he is a wonderful dog and such a love.
i am betting it was a bacterial infection. i had something similar happen. The chick pipped and began zipping. As it moved around, i could see some frothy stuff coming from the egg, and then some really weird gelatinous liquid. The chick died before making it out. i had a number of chicks die in that batch, many making it all the way to full term, then dying in the shell. i thought i had washed my incubator out well, but didn't really disinfect it. Won't make that mistake again.

Sorry for your loss.

Well, it looks like you were posting as i was writing. If you did disinfect, then perhaps the chick had something wrong with it. My vet told me that after taking genetics in college, she was surprised that any babies, human or animal, hatched at all. She said there are just so many things that can go wrong. Maybe that yellow froth was the yolk sac?
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I dont know. You know, I thought I was really thorough but can you really be sure with sneaky little bacteria?

It's just so silimar to what happened before with my last hatch I dont think I can rule bacteria out.
Yes, there are vent holes on the bottom of the bator and on the top around the fan.

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