Please Help!..Who killed Ski?*GRAPHIC PICS*UPDATE ..IT WAS A HAWK!


I am sorry that you lost your hen. Don't blame yourself for what happened. You can only do so much to protect your flock. It definitely looks like a weasel or mink, or a fischer cat(which is a member of the weasel family).

They have a nasty habit of biting the heads off first and then deboweling their victims if they have the time. If it was a mink you'd know, as they tend to leave an odor around their kills, much like a skunk does.

Foxes not only can dig, but they can also climb up fencing. But usually foxes take their victims away from the kill site. Coons will try to find the easiest way into something, but they can also figure out how to undo simple locks, get lids off garbage cans and so on.

Someone already suggested to put in a cement foundation around your run and to dig and put wire dug into the ground as well. You might also want to install those clasp locks on your doors and gates.
Set your live catch (Hav-A-Hart trap out with sardines in the pan inside. No big deal if you trap one of your chickens. I think you have a Raccoon killing your fowl and he WILL be back! Keep setting your trap until you no longer catch anything for a week or two. Once you catch your predator, then you can decide it's fate.
thanks guys!..tomorrow i will be setting up the trap...i hope i catch it!...
fl.gif question do i "get rid" of it?..we only have a BB would only want the fastest/most painless way to be rid of it...any ideas?..thanks, Wendy
Odd thing, several of the critters I have caught have accidently drowned in my bath tub! Or a local creek. It's a good thing I have a rope on the handle so I can pull it out once they get it in there.

Not allowed to use a gun in the county. (The whole county is part of the city.)
Odd thing, several of the critters I have caught have accidently drowned in my bath tub! Or a local creek. It's a good thing I have a rope on the handle so I can pull it out once they get it in there.

Not allowed to use a gun in the county. (The whole county is part of the city.)

LOL...okay..i got ya!..
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful bird. I dread the day when this happens at my place. Good Luck in getting the culprit(s). Vengence is sweet, but it won't mend your broken heart. Pets are special, time will heal.
Thanks gus!..we are setting the trap tonight....i hope we catch it also! my ducks are my concern..because i can keep my chickens in their run until i catch something..but, my ducks roam my yard freely...
fl.gif, the hunt is ON!..
....also, it is snowing here right now(first of the year)...will i catch anything in the snow?...thanks, Wendy

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