I have had a lot of luck with brooding in a pet playpen sort of like this:

It can be zipped up to prevent escapees, but has tons of ventilation. The material dries easily, is collapsible, is lightweight, and is easy to clean. I got the largest size available and it was like, a hundred bucks. But I've used it two chick seasons in a row. My oldest chicks are almost six weeks old and just now starting to outgrow it.

I use it in conjunction with a brooder lamp like this:

It gives plenty of heat and is adjustable in height as the chicks grow older, but is firesafe, most closely stimulates the warmth of a mother, and gives the chicks plenty of room to self-regulate their own temperature by moving in and out from underneath it, rather than having a heat lamp blaring down on them from overhead.

You could set up two pens like this side by side, and they would be easy to maintain.

THANK YOU! Sounds like you have a nice set up! I am definitely going to look into this! i think my biggest problem is having the ducks and chicks together. when i bought them from TSC they had the ducks and chicks together so i didn’t think anything about it!
Everything everyone has said is spot on, so no need for me to repeat it. The only thing that hasn't been covered is ducks require additional vitamins / minerals to support that growth. This is particularly important with Pekins as they are the fastest growing duck.

Most people have settled on Purina's Flock Raiser (or something similar) when raising mixed flocks as it can be fed to all which makes things much easier.

Some lucky few can find actual duck starter but it's hard to find. Broiler starter (meatbird), turkey starter, gamebird chow, etc all have the higher levels needed.

Its also popular to add the most essential nutrient, Niacin, to their water or feed. 100 to 150mg of the regular Niacin found at any drug store, Walmart, or feed store will have it. Do not use the slow release or non blushing type.

Nutritional yeast or brewers yeast can also be used at a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 cup of feed. Some yeasts have a good amount of niacin, others not so much. That's why I prefer actual Niacin as there is no question that it has what they need.
THANK YOU! Sounds like you have a nice set up! I am definitely going to look into this! i think my biggest problem is having the ducks and chicks together. when i bought them from TSC they had the ducks and chicks together so i didn’t think anything about it!

Yeah I think at the age they are now the ducklings are just too big and strong and it causes them to accidentally trample the chicks. They'll do much better once they have their own brooders.

How are the chicks this morning?
Yeah I think at the age they are now the ducklings are just too big and strong and it causes them to accidentally trample the chicks. They'll do much better once they have their own brooders.

How are the chicks this morning?

The 4 chicks are looking better this morning. feeding like normal and look more dry but aren’t completely dry.
Thanks to everyone that helped me out! i separated the chicks and ducks and they all are doing a whole lot better! my chicks all came back to life it seems like!! thank y’all!

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