Please help with moving forward with this hen

Rose the Legbar

Dec 18, 2022
Washington State
So I have a hen that has had a slow crop for around 4 weeks now. She hasn’t gotten better and her crop isn’t getting smaller even with me massaging it and giving her mineral oil. I’ve been giving her wet all flock feed. Her crop I believe has sand in it from eating her coop bedding but it doesn’t feel like sand? It’s solid but it doesn’t dissipate or break up with water in her system.
She has rooster booster in her water and I’ve now started to isolate her as she can’t balance on her roost.
Here are her symptoms and other things about her;
  • Wobbly and unsteady on her feet (she falls only to her right side and wobbles when standing) (This only started happening this week)
  • Slow/impacted(?) crop - food is still going through her but she doesn’t poop often and her poop is super watery with little substance if I don’t massage it beforehand
  • She is molting currently, her new feathers look fine and healthy
  • She doesn’t lay - when she did, all her eggs were mottled and if I didn’t crack them open in under 2 weeks(even if they were refrigerated), the yolk will rot and turn black and the whites are a greenish yellow
  • She crows and has a very large spur on her right leg, about 1 1/2 inches to 2 inches in length
  • She has always had a hard time laying eggs
  • She only layed about 1 or 2 eggs a month if lucky. Sometimes she would go a month or two without laying, other times she would lay every day for a week then stop
  • She loves to sit on the nests, on eggs or just sit. She has screamed at me when I tried to take the eggs but othertimes she just pecked me when I touched her
  • She is super skinny and has little to no meat around her keel bone
  • She is 1 year and 6 months old.
  • She is an Opal Legbar
At this time, I don’t know if her quality of life is good to keep trying to treat her. She is still pretty bright and fights me but I don’t know if she has internal issues that I can’t see that is hurting her.
I’m going to tag @Eggcessive as I think they could possibly help.
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It sounds like she could have a reproductive issue. Crops tend to slow down and have issues with crop problems. Will she roost on the floor or in a nest box? I would just try to make her comfortable, and offer her food. She will control her own activity. They are usually able to decide whether to roost or not. She might be around for a short time, or she might be like this for a long time. Just watch to make sure that she is not picked on by others. When that happens, I separate them or consider putting them down. A necropsy after death done at home or but the state vet can shed light on what was going on.
It sounds like she could have a reproductive issue. Crops tend to slow down and have issues with crop problems. Will she roost on the floor or in a nest box? I would just try to make her comfortable, and offer her food. She will control her own activity. They are usually able to decide whether to roost or not. She might be around for a short time, or she might be like this for a long time. Just watch to make sure that she is not picked on by others. When that happens, I separate them or consider putting them down. A necropsy after death done at home or but the state vet can shed light on what was going on.
Thank you for the helpful information. She usually falls off the roost and will sit in the nestbox at night. I am currently keeping her in a crate with vitamin water and some mushy food as I want to monitor her poop and what she eats. She is the lead hen and everyone else fears her even in her weakened state, haha.

Should I put her back with the flock at night?
I have been giving her more mineral oil and massaging daily. She eats well and poops out what she eats but there is this lump in her crop that isn’t going away. It feels like a very firm balloon filled with sand and grit is in her crop. I can move it and squish it but it goes back to its normal shape later. It doesn’t break up when I massage the clump.

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