Please help !


Dec 7, 2017
so I live in San Diego and I need to find a vet for chickens to make sure it’s alright but I’m new to having a chicken so I don’t know, if you know any good chicken vets in San Diego please let me know !!!
so I live in San Diego and I need to find a vet for chickens to make sure it’s alright but I’m new to having a chicken so I don’t know, if you know any good chicken vets in San Diego please let me know !!!
You are less likely to find a vet quickly but there are many good first aid helpers here. Tell us what is going on and the age, breed, symptoms, etc. Pictures are helpful. Pics if poop, wounds, whatever has you concerned.
Greetings and welcome @pearls.xo Sorry your emergency has brought you to us but there are a bunch of wonderful folks here who will do everything they can to guide you and help you through your issue. The more info you can provide and pictures are best, the better the aid that can be provided. When past this difficulty, please stay around and peruse the various forum threads as there's a wealth of info and experience shared.

It will be beneficial if you put at least your general location in your profile as folks won't remember your initial post mentioning San Diego on future posts you do. Location generally has a bearing on advice or help, offered or asked for. climate/heat/cold/moisture/altitude etc all factor in.

Hope whatever the issue is can be resolved. I doubt you'll find a chicken vet at this time of night in any case. Searching out a vet would be best done tomorrow. I suggest calling first as most vets are "pet vets" and will not be interested in helping you. Just a heads up.
Over in the BYC forum where it says :
" chickenstocks and meet-ups", ", there is a "San Diego meet-up and chat" thread .you might check there and see what they have to say . although I suspect a lot of the Vets are going to be busy with the animals cuz of the fires . but I would check .
IMG_8456.PNG Found this:

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