Please Help


10 Years
May 31, 2009
China Grove, NC
Does anyone hav any idea what is causing or what the issue is for 2 of our hens and 1 of our roosters to develop a bald butt? It almost looks like they have been plucked. They are in a coop all of the time. Sme feed since they started laying (back in November),

Now if I can just figure out how to add a picture of the worst one.
They may be bored of being in the coop all of the time and one or more of them may be pulling out the feathers.
The coop is actually about ½ of the barn (about 15' by 20' inside and 10' by 15' out side). My wife is worried that if we let them out they be harmed by the barn cats we have.
Here's a link that may help with posting pix.
from Washington

A pix would be invaluable. It does sound like feather picking, but maybe parasites?
Also at the top of the Emergencies forum is a sticky that asks some questions that can help the more knowledgable among us to help. Good Luck.

Imp- Not one of the more knowledgable
well here is something to do for them
take and wrap a head of cabbage dark green leaves and all in a piece of chicken wire and hang from roof till 18 inches from ground
so they can pick at it

also the fact that the bedding needs cleaned and then LOTS OF SEVIN 5% DUST ADDED TO THE FLOOR then add the bedding

then I would take the hens and rooster and put some bag balm on the bare spots and put sevin 5% dust on the bag balm

this will kill the mites or lice that may be eating on them

when this is done
then give them some

wet mash probiotic
each bird gets
3 tbsp of cry chicken crumbles
3 tbsp of milk any kind
1 tbsp of yoguart
1 tbsp of apple sauce
1-1000 mg of vit E cut end off the capsule and add to the mix
mix good and feed them this a couple times a day

for every bird give this and make the complete mix for number of birds
their system needs some help here

email for any questions you got
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Thank You for the responses. I actually have some fresh cabbage in the garden that I can give them. We usually give them some fresh greens a couple of times a week.

But I will try the wet mash and see how that works.

Thanks again.

I used to worry about the cats but as long as they are standard sized hens the cats won't bother them. I have wild cats all over and all they do is sit and watch them. Tell ur wife to let the chickens enjoy that fresh grass
and not worry. They will LOVE it! AND the upside of that is you guys will get much healthier eggs too

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