She shows symptoms of possible poisoning....very like Mareks you have any plants in your garden i.e. foxgloves, lupins...? .she may have eaten something toxic..mouldy food..which she may have found while she has been foraging around in your are lucky insofar as you have access to epsom can give her some which should flush out any teaspoon per ounce of water...
the garden does not have lanatera. what would you recommend with her? my parents want to put her down at the vets? would that be the best solution. or does she have a fighting chance?
We have no foxgloves etc
however we have some old food which my nan gave me which we have started using because we have ran out of fresh? would this have anything to with it?
Old food if not stored well and in dry conditions could be the cause of the symptoms she is showing...I would say to at least try her with an epsom salt flush...she may well get back to her normal self...

My theory is....if they don't give up on you....don't give up on them....after all...where there is life there is hope, however, if she is showing signs of pain or distress I would have no hesitation in ending her suffering....the call is know her better than any of us here...

Good luck!
Rest in peace Maman, I will think of you when I visit my friends resting places this morning on my way to let the flock out of the bird house.
I agree with the poisoning and now that I know about the old food, it makes even more sense. Already in distress from old food, anything else on top of that would be too much. I am concernced about the rabbits. Their poo is perfect bird size pellets, do you think they would try and eat it? NOw we gget into ecoli worms and other parasites.
. I thought about this poor little girl all night. If I was closer, I would offer the use of my chicken ER and pharmacy. Yes, I have been known to hold vigil with a sick bird all night, but that's just how I am. With no vets nearby, I set up my own ER and have been learning all I can.
Taking the bird to the vet to have it "culled" isn't as pleasant as taking a dog, they don't give them a shot and let them go to sleep. When you find out what they did to your little one, you may want to do the same to the vet, and that's jail time.
Would you follow the Epson salt with apple cider vinegar and probiotics, or do you think that I quick deworming, dosage of antibiotics then probiotics? I really want to see this video. What are the rules about posting my email address to have it directly sent to me? Hate to ask this, but a pic of the poo would help too.
I have never seen the chickens eat the poo as they all get on the fine. We have brought some new fresh food today and have scrubbed out the outhouse in which they sleep. I can try and send the video through email. The chick is still going and doesn't look like an unwell chicken it just has no feel of it legs and wings. However I seperated her from the rest of the chicks. How come the other 3 chickens are not poorly aswell? And why was she found unconscious in the morning when I let them out? This post makes my chickens sound very unlocked after, but they love there live and they are looked after very well
We are starting to think that she came to us with it because when we first got her she had one bad leg which we thought that it would heal its self. We have had her for about a month now?

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