PLEASE I NEED HELP! one of my seven chooks is really sick and can not cluck!


Nov 24, 2019
she lifts here head up and wezzes at least every 10 seconds! is there any thing i can do???? besides put here down? i have been giving here oxymav B.
and i just lost one of my cats last month and i can not do this again..,
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and now it is really bad to the point were she lifts her head up and sounds like she is weezing i have tried to get here to have some oxymav B mixxed with watter but she just sneezed and shook here head so i decidid to cover some yolk pellets in the medicne and she ate them.
Gapeworm is a parasite that lives in the throat. They're small, but when there's too many of them, the hen can suffocate or choke to death. Symptoms are gagging, choking, coughing, wheezing, and stretching the neck. You can check by sticking a q-tip in her throat, (be careful not to choke her.) It's a lot harder than it sounds, as the chicken is NEVER cooperative. If she has them, they'll show up as red lines against the white. It's something to cross off the possibility list, anyway.

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