Please post age of your RIR when they first laid???

I know you don't want to hear it, but the chickens will lay when they are ready, no matter what you want to hear. I have 18 RIR's and the first to lay was 17 weeks and the last to start laying was 27 weeks. There is no way to say that the girls will start to lay at a certain time.
My first RIR laid when she was 20 weeks to the day. It was a week and a half before we started getting 2 eggs a day. I will have to get my husband to keep the eggs separate for a few days so I can see how many RIR's are laying. We have both RIR and BR and get between 9 and 12 a day from 14 hens. They are all now 26 1/2 weeks old.

As others say though the weather and daylight will slow things down.
Our RIR's were 17 weeks old when they started laying.

We have RIR's, Wyandottes, Orpingtons, and Australorps. Hands down, the RIR's are the best producers.
I have 2 RIR that I got at the very same time. One laid around 22 weeks and the other one took another 4 weeks or so.

But wait, you've got to hear about my problem birds.

I have 2 ameracaunas (possible easter eggers since they were from a hatchery) who I got with the RIR's and they haven't started laying yet. We're talking hatched april 1 . so without getting out a calendar and counting the weeks they are at least 28 - 30 weeks old!

Just on the off chance they are laying brown eggs I put them in their own coop yesterday to see for sure.

Their rose combs and wattles grew in about 6 weeks ago.

We need a support group!
19 or 20 weeks, not sure. Starter until she was 14 weeks, then layer feed. Scratch and treats are a regular part of my hen's lives.

Do you know about the clues?
They will start to do a squat thing as they near laying(like within weeks), its hard not to notice, when you move them or walk near them they squat rather than run around like they did as chicks.

Yea, we call those Roosters.

There is also a health issue referred to as an internal layer but that's something that does not develop until a hen has years of laying under her feathers.

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