Please Post Your Pics Of Landscaping Around Your Coop.

I tend to be more partial to shrubs and trees around the coop. I love the lorapetalum. The chickens don't tear it up and like to hang out under it. The coop is at the edge of the woods but our garden is just on the other side - good in the off-season so they can forage in it, not so good during the gardening season. Oh, well, it's picturesque! I'm trying to grow a rosemary at the other corner of the coop. Just something to soften the edge.

Im just trying to get grass to grow or some type of green ground cover weeds would be ok with me. I have 15 projects going at the same time I will take some pics and post later!
On either side of the 8x8 Silkie coop we have 8x16 runs. You can't see the left run behind the Privet, Lady Banks, and Loropetalum. The Silkies don't use the runs except when I have Mom & chicks to protect. They free range in the backyard in pic. #2, just to the right of the coop.

The coop came first, then DH landscaped around it. I've never had a hawk attack a silkie with all the foliage and plants. We also have several bird feeders and it's really a haven for the wild birds too. The birds also alert when there is a hawk, especially the Blue Jays. He has a garden off the left of the last pic so the silkies love that too. I got lucky...DH is a master carpenter and gardener! :yesss:
I so wish I had my coop beautifully land scaped like those shown here! I am still trying to get the yard to look decent, no time to work on the coop's landscaping. I love the pics here though and will be subscribing so I don't miss any. Thank you for starting this thread and to all that posted pics!
Here is the coop that my husband and I built last spring. Mainly with old scraps laying around the garage. I too have thought about planting to offset smells, or just "green" the area. I love the idea of using vines and flowers to landscape the "not-so-great-smelling" area. Of course, any grass that was in the coop when it was built, has now been converted to a dirt floor. Will post pics when we plant!

Great pics everyone!!! Love the inspiration : )


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