Please pray for my mom...


12 Years
Oct 10, 2007
Just north of Dallas Tx.
Hi all! As some of you know, my mom is pregnate. (I probably didn't spell that right
) Her blood pressure has been pretty high recently even during the middle of the night when she's sleeping. Mom says that worst case the baby will have to be born early even though he's due August 18. I'm so worried about mom and the baby that I can't sleep and when I do sleep I have lots of nightmares about what could happen if something went wrong.
We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and we're all worried about it. Please keep us, but especially mom and the baby, in your prayers. Thanks so much, we really appreciate it.
Your mom will be just great, and so will your new little brother or sis, but we'll pray for you all just to make sure! Try not to worry...she had you ok...and she has a family who loves her. You all will be in our thoughts and prayers.
i'll pray for your mom. I went through a bout with high blood pressure last year and it is no fun. It must be worse when you are pregnant.
Just wanted you to know that I sent up a prayer for your mom and new brother or sister.

I also prayed that the doctor would know what to do to get your mom's blood pressure down.

Keep the faith!!


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