Please read. Problems with a 2 yr old welsummer

May 11, 2020
Somewhere in Missouri
Hi all! My 2 year old Welsummer started acting off yesterday but her health is declining. I was hoping someone could give me some suggestions on helping her get better. Some background information: She hasn't laid throughout any of the winter and with temperature rising, the rest of my 3 others have began laying again-- nothing from her. We previously had what we thought was coccidia in our other bird, a buff orp, who recovered. We made sure to supply them with fresh water with corid dosage and vitamins afterwards, also a thorough coop cleaning. She is our most skittish bird, not really wanting any attention, her symptoms follow:
-Not really walking around if so, slowly moving about. Not staying with the flock. Not sitting but standing.
-Eating very minimal. She ate a few worms in the yard and maybe a few pecks of grain but her crop stayed ultimately empty throughout the day.
-Poop is mucus texture and is a green color, also is slowly leaking or whatever, sticking to her down on her rump. I cleaned it off.
-Doesn't seem to be interested in water
-Swollen belly but checked for stuck eggs by inserting a finger into her rump... NONE.

Hopefully you all can decode this mystery. Thanks all.
The swollen belly hints to egg yolk peritonitis and/or ascites (water belly).

After cleaning her behind thoroughly in a warm bath with epsom salt water and drying her well, feel her lower abdomen: does it feel like a water filled balloon or is it rather hard?

How did her last eggs look like? Has she previously laid soft eggs without shell?
When did you last deworm her?
Hi all! My 2 year old Welsummer started acting off yesterday but her health is declining. I was hoping someone could give me some suggestions on helping her get better. Some background information: She hasn't laid throughout any of the winter and with temperature rising, the rest of my 3 others have began laying again-- nothing from her. We previously had what we thought was coccidia in our other bird, a buff orp, who recovered. We made sure to supply them with fresh water with corid dosage and vitamins afterwards, also a thorough coop cleaning. She is our most skittish bird, not really wanting any attention, her symptoms follow:
-Not really walking around if so, slowly moving about. Not staying with the flock. Not sitting but standing.
-Eating very minimal. She ate a few worms in the yard and maybe a few pecks of grain but her crop stayed ultimately empty throughout the day.
-Poop is mucus texture and is a green color, also is slowly leaking or whatever, sticking to her down on her rump. I cleaned it off.
-Doesn't seem to be interested in water
-Swollen belly but checked for stuck eggs by inserting a finger into her rump... NONE.

Hopefully you all can decode this mystery. Thanks all.
Have you given her sugar water it might perk her up enough to eat.
Do you have a pick of poo?
Crop is emptying?
I am going to guess it's probably a reproductive problem but want to cross things off first

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