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ray's two cents :

Ooh okay. Yikes. Keep it coming! Can't wait to see what happens!​
Waking up, I felt a shiver run across my skin. I looked around my room, feeling the pillow below my head shift silently as I did so.
I noticed my window was open, and looked out across th lawn, seeing the dark pines of the woods shake their branches in a slow waltz.
I saw a barn owl fly past, and got out of my bed to look, creeping slowly toward the window. Looking out for the spots of carpet that liked to creak.
Owls had always facinated me, but I was starting to wonder just how much sleep I had really gotten. I looked at my alarm.
It was nearly dawn, and the sun was starting to come up.
The sun was dark orange, and bright. Its rays making the outlines of the pines, birches and maples shine orange.
I took in my environment for a few more seconds, and then closed the window, and walked into the kitchen for a drink.
I chugged a few glasses, and went back to my room, looked at Amy, and then went back to sleep...

To be continued....
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