Please Save 3 Va. Easter Eggers (healthy but Marek's +)


In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2021
Does anyone here live near NW Virginia and maintain a Marek's-positive chicken flock? I have 3 (otherwise) healthy 15-mo hens surviving Marek's exposure last year and they have to leave my yard ASAP. I REALLY don't want to cull them, never was part of the plan; they've been egg-laying, free-ranging, very pretty pets, but we can't afford to safely confine them and they can't keep roaming or stay cooped up in the heat. Can anyone help, PLEASE??
Rylee-Dale 2021-1026.jpg
Rylee-Whitey 2021-0822.jpg
2021-1030 choc-wh 2 (2).jpg

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