Please send healing vibes for Petey.

for Petey, his lady, and you of course!
see, he's not stupid! he fought for his women. that was just a a practice bite that he gave you the other day! I hope he heels quickly. We need more of his antics! my love and prayers sent to him.

the way he tried to save his girls, i feel so sorry for him. Healing vibes coming your way!
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Thank you for that. I can't believe I hadn't thought of saline solution for his eye!! It is definitely crusted shut, so if there is still an eyeball in there I wouldn't be able to see it anyhow.

Thanks for the healing vibes. He doesn't seem to be healing physically, but his fighting spirit is definitely back! Geeze Petey, it's NEOSPORIN. it's good for you!
Petey is such an obnoxious weird booger, I am in love with him. GO PETEY! I am sending you happy vibes from Australia.
Thank you! Priscilla, the survivor, is very upset about having to switch coops and not have any of her showgirls with her. I stuck her in the big girls' coop because it is like fort knox. Masterlock, hardware cloth, 100 lb roof. She did not seem to like the new arrangement at all. Petey needs to get better so he can join her in there. He had gotten in the habit of sleeping on top of his girls, like a mamma hen. Maybe that's why one survived I think. Either way she's probobly wondering where her mama hen Petey is tonight.
you can get Fishcillian at pet stores, which is a 250 mg capsule, you can use peoples penicillian, 250 mg pill if you have it, or you can get liquid shot penicillian at any feed store in the refridge. Dose by weight.
Petey is not looking well

Both of his eyes have swollen and crusted shut. I think his really bad eye is infected. He can hardly breathe because he has crud becoming out of his nostrils. Infection maybe? His whole head is swollen and his shoulder is huge. He is still standing and walking but I don't hold much hope if he has this many fluids draining from his head. Is it normal for it to get worse before it gets better?

He is on aspirin, tetracycline, poly-vi-sol, and electrolytes. Marks out buying saline solution for his eyes and Epsom salts so we can give him a soak later.



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