Please send healing vibes for Petey.

You also have to be careful because if it is a break then the break itself could end up getting infected. She says keep him on the antibiotics to be safe.
Heat will help with any possible infection, if you are so unsure about poking at your own birds face, try seeing if the vet will take pity on you and do it as a courtesy. Worst case all that will happen is blood comes out which will still release some pressure and you just have to keep it clean. Now my mother is at work, so that is my best bit of advice, ill let her know how he looks and get back to you when she gets home!
He looks pretty good

If it is just a fracture then he is in the healing stages! Which is good, I think he will get better
I agree, I think it does look more like generalized trauma reaction tissue swelling. Keep it up and hang in there are doing a FABULOUS job with him. What a fighter our precious Petey is! I love his spirit...and YOURS!!
I would think a vet would do what he can for the rooster if you plead your case. It sounds like he needs some professional medical help. If you aren't willing or able to do that I would try icing the swelling, not hot compresses. It looks more like a generalized swelling to me as well. You should see improvement soon enough to know if it is working or not. Good Luck.
My mother says that cold is good for general swelling, but if it looks infected and stuff is still coming out of his eye, then warm water will help draw it out.
Perhaps you could try a hot then cold mix?
She also says that from the picture its hard to tell if its just regular swelling, or if its an infection.
She wants to know how he is doing today, and if he can open his eye at all?
He is doing well. He's back to acting pretty normal. He even bit me last night, twice. His signature corkscrew bite- the grab and twist. Good ol Petey is back to normal!

And yes! He opened that eye for the first time today, it was a beautiful sight!
sunny & the 5 egg layers :

I am so happy to hear that he is feeling better!

Haha! Good ol' Petey, back to being obnoxious! Congratulations, so glad to hear he's on the mend.​
Wow sounds like he is on his way to mending you have done such an outstanding job!!!
just out of curiousity did he ever eat any oatmeal?? It is great in the winter but I found don't bother cooking it just do the hot water they love it that way!!
Oh no I'm sorry for your the lose of your girls! Hopefully your sweet boy pulls through! We grew up in the Lovelock area and my mom always had a huge raccoon problem she always had to deal with.

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