Please send healing vibes for Petey.

I don't mean to laugh by any means, but the crowing and raping remark made me giggle...he must be on the mend.
As far as the eye goes, I wish I had something more to offer but I think you are doing pretty much everything I would. If you attempted drainage and got blood the infection is not at the surface. The massaging and nasal drainage suggests the infection may be more inside. If he will let you I would continue doing the massage and trying to get as much out as you can, even through the sinuses as it sounds like it's in there anyway. I would think the more pus that comes out the better. But I'm certainly no expert. I have no clue why his crest feathers are turning either. I wouldn't think it has anything to do with clipping them. I'm sorry...I'm kinda worthless in this department huh? Go me.

With his skin being hot to the touch, the swelling in the eye, and the draining pus I am thinking perhaps the penicillin wasn't a strong enough antibiotic? When we talked before about Aggie and worms I was in the same situation with my BR Ethel. It actually turned out she had some type of bacterial infection, although I don't know what. After worming her twice she was not getting better and was getting thinner and thinner. I ended up calling my vet (who really doesn't treat chickens) and asked for the antibiotic Baytril. I gave him her weight and he calculated the dose. I went and picked up 2 syringes for 2 days worth of dosing to be given 48 hours apart. She is finally showing improvement and is eating again. Perhaps a stronger antibiotic is in order? Animal bite wounds can cause really nasty infections. Just a thought.
Rockin' Reds :

I don't mean to laugh by any means, but the crowing and raping remark made me giggle...he must be on the mend.
As far as the eye goes, I wish I had something more to offer but I think you are doing pretty much everything I would. If you attempted drainage and got blood the infection is not at the surface. The massaging and nasal drainage suggests the infection may be more inside. If he will let you I would continue doing the massage and trying to get as much out as you can, even through the sinuses as it sounds like it's in there anyway. I would think the more pus that comes out the better. But I'm certainly no expert. I have no clue why his crest feathers are turning either. I wouldn't think it has anything to do with clipping them. I'm sorry...I'm kinda worthless in this department huh? Go me.

With his skin being hot to the touch, the swelling in the eye, and the draining pus I am thinking perhaps the penicillin wasn't a strong enough antibiotic? When we talked before about Aggie and worms I was in the same situation with my BR Ethel. It actually turned out she had some type of bacterial infection, although I don't know what. After worming her twice she was not getting better and was getting thinner and thinner. I ended up calling my vet (who really doesn't treat chickens) and asked for the antibiotic Baytril. I gave him her weight and he calculated the dose. I went and picked up 2 syringes for 2 days worth of dosing to be given 48 hours apart. She is finally showing improvement and is eating again. Perhaps a stronger antibiotic is in order? Animal bite wounds can cause really nasty infections. Just a thought.

Don't worry about the laughter! He makes me laugh every second of the day!

This is really good advice, I will call a vet today
If you can't get it from a Vet, then you can order it in liquid form for parrots, from allbirdproducts. It's about $25 for 25mil, don't get the generic, get the Baytril. It says to add to water, but i always give it to them in the mouth, about 1/2 cc. They normally ship pretty fast.

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