Please send healing vibes for Petey.

Well he's even skinnier this morning so I did go the bacon route. I think he hasn't been letting himself eat as much as he should have been because I think he's been giving all the treats to his girl. She is a fat blob right now. I've got him in the house eating a mixture of starter mash with bacon grease. HE IS SCARFING. he ate so much he puked up the water he previously drank. Maybe I can make this a routine for him.
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Maybe other fats too, not just bacon. Gave my girls beef trimmings this morning and they loved it. Do chickens eat avocados? Egg yolk is mostly fat. Trying to think of variety here so you have options.
Glad he is eating like a hog this morning. I think starter mash is great along with any other proteins and fats you can get down him. He's obviously interested in eating so bring him in maybe several times a day and give him whatever he seems to like. Good luck Aubrey...keep us updated! Go Petey go!!

ETA: Try's a great source of fat as well as protein. If you don't already have it, here is a list of treats someone put together. There are really good ideas in here.
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I would worm him with Safeguard horse paste , it's about $6-$7 for a big horse tube at the feed store or TSC. Take a pea size amount of the paste and put in his mouth for 5 days. The goat liquid you can put in water but it's about $19. If you don't treat for the right worms it will keep absorbing all the food he is eating and then he will continue to lose weight until he dies.
I have been reading since the attack and want you to know good thoughts are being sent your way daily. Protein, fats, and not too much loving time w/ his girl- he needs to put his energy and calories into healing. This has been such an awful week for you and Petey- and I am sorry about the loss of your girls.

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