Please Support the One and Only Thang

I think for popularity sake and stardom I should keep the coming 3 year old Thang pics under raps for a Grand entrance maybe in April-late May when he maybe at his all time best.Thoughts? After all a fully opened train pic will probably cause a internet bandwidth overload.
I must step in here and write once again on behalf of all devoted Thang fans.
It is unlikely that his fans could stand such a very long wait before seeing the recent beauty of the Thang.
In fact, we will be shortly be showing signs of extreme Thang withdrawal!
Please supply new pictures ASAP!
Okay,just got home from work and since we're in for a major temperature drop the end of this week the Palace will be worked on to finish so I will have the camera out.It's cloudy and drizzling rain here today and I know Thang will do his best to avoid me,,but I'll see what can be done.
Well if this satisfies your craving,here is new pics of the bottom feeder Thang.This first one shows him trying to make a beeline for the exit door when I was in the building.Still not much "love" blooming with ole Thang,he still has his own agenda and at this time it was supposed to be feeding time so he wanted to hang close,,
As this pic clearly shows,Thang made a quick exit outside.Out of all the peas in this pen-building,Thang and two lowly hens was all that wanted to get as far away from me as possible.The hens just happened to be by the door when Thang bulldozed his way outside,manners he lacks!!
I thought this would be a good pic,but he was Mov-in out and was so fast his head was out of the frame when the pic was snapped.He has changed color and train wise but still no improvement on becoming a people person.Whatever his agenda is at this time is still unknown.I think he was ready for feeding time and figured out he was now by himself and did feel left out somewhat.
This has to be the best one all day.I finally got one over on him.He thought I had moved away from the door and actually was coming back inside until he seen me with the camera around the corner,,he froze in his tracks and didn't really know what to do.Closest he has been to me physically in a long time,and it was by accident on his part.Wouldn't he look great with a small Santa Hat on with a white ball on top? So close red eye shows up in the pic.

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