Please tell me it's frizzled..


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Shediac Cape NB, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
I went to a local breeder that had one silkie, and one sizzle - to see if he would sell me a dozen of their hatching eggs. He had been eating them! Anyway.. He gave me ONE - yes only ONE egg. It hatched on May 5th - along with 9 of my own silkies. Not one of those eggs were infertile or failed to hatch.. So I've been watching closely.. trying to figure out if I lucked out and had a sizzle chick...
This is the one in question
@ 1 week old.
@ a day shy of 2 weeks old
Please oh please tell me I'm not just imagining the curly feathers! :fl
I know I will get more - but George (the sizzle rooster) - which I convinced the local breeder to sell me for $7 :woot - is very clumsy in his mating attempts (I've seen him hold on to a girl's hackles and 'hump' the ground) and my two silkies have gone broody, so no more eggs from them for a bit..
The father.
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no question, those are a bunch of curly feathers.
What great luck! There was George and another silkie rooster with that lone hen. I am glad my boy got some. He hasn't had much luck with my own girls :rolleyes:

Hopefully he will come around and I will get more frizzles! They are impossible to find in my area.

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