Please tell me my daughter isn't the only one who does this!!

Please please ask your sister to ask her co-worker where it is she (the co-worker) thinks eggs come from. Then tell us. I really wanna know. I really do.
Oh I can just imagine... as it is mine manage to alienate just by physically commenting on their cousins' behavior, demands, eating pickiness, tantrums, 'being spoiled'... etc... don't MEAN to alienate... they don't SAY anything... just the fact that they eat what's on their plate, don't throw fits (roll their eyes when others do and embarrass EVERYONE in public), etc somehow majorly offends my SIL.

Personally I'm with you and think it's hilarious... once the headache from the brat's screaming stops that is...
I absolutely can NOT STOP laughing! ahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaa


I love the people (adults) who ask if I made sure to get a rooster so my hens will lay eggs......

At least your daughter has a clue about what is involved in getting food to the table! ROFL!
Funniest thing I have heard ALL DAY!

He was doing his best Col. Kurtz Impression with a twist. That boy will grow up to be a good farmer some day
mom'sfolly :

I'm surprised that in Aggieland a mom had that reaction. Didn't A & M stand for agriculture and mechanical? So very sad....but your daughter sounds like a hoot. My kids like to give eggs to the teachers. Most of them really appreciate them.

Ah, yes. Even here in Aggieland there are people who cannot comprehend the fact that people eat their own animals. This mom also gets upset if her daughter has the slightest amount of dirt on her after a long day playing at school

Boyd, that's hilarious! What a way to torture your older sisters!​
I love that my DD knows where her food comes from.

We had a BBQ on the 4th of July with a batch of Cornish X that we slaughtered the day before - of course my daughter helped. She absolutely insisted on saving an intestinal tract to show her friend who was coming over for the BBQ.

OK kid, we'll get you prepared for biology early!!
My daughters did.. .but I think they regressed.. now its all ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yucky
When my aunt was younger, they would butcher their pigs. She used to save the eyes and keep them in her pockets to show her friends.

Lol my friend FREAKED out when I told her that I have chickens that lay green eggs...."DO THEY HAVE GREEN YOLKS?!" "No...."
Hmmmmm ...... your sister's coworker is able to actually keep a job?

Our first rooster was a white leghorn that we named Peep Peep. We didn't know he was a cockerel, and he was fighting with the other chicks, so we raised him in the house. He peeped a lot, hence the name. He grew up to be very mean and attacked me one day, sinking his talon into my forehead and gave me a concussion. As soon as I was able, we butchered him. I thought I'd boil him in the crockpot and turn him into soup, but I didn't bother to mark him on the package before he was frozen. We had company the night I accidentally fried him up. As soon as we started to bite into the tough meat, everyone realized it was Peep Peep. I told the kids, including the company, they didn't have to eat Peep Peep. Instead, they all wanted to dig right in and chew, chew chew. Peep Peep had gone after them all. They wanted revenge!

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