Please tell me they're not all boys!

princess layer

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013

I would be enormously grateful for any thoughts on the gender of my five week old chicks - one sablepoot and three (English) bantam araucanas. I have a horrible feeling that they may all be boys but I would really appreciate any thoughts...



I would be enormously grateful for any thoughts on the gender of my five week old chicks - one sablepoot and three (English) bantam araucanas. I have a horrible feeling that they may all be boys but I would really appreciate any thoughts...


They are nicely feathered out for 5 weeks, so not sure. Individual close up pics would be best!
I've tried and tried but they never stand still! At least three of them have some pink in their combs - is that a sure sign of being a boy at this age? Also they all seem pretty upright... :/
I've tried and tried but they never stand still! At least three of them have some pink in their combs - is that a sure sign of being a boy at this age? Also they all seem pretty upright...
Mine have had pink combs at 5 weeks and where girls. If I was you I would go out tonight when they are in bed and pick them up and take close up pics :)
Thanks for your replies! I've got some close up shots now - does this make a difference?

Black araucana:

These two are both the same chick - this is the one I'm hoping is a girl:

Lavender araucana:


British Tailed Araucanas are notoriously difficult to sex.

I had a 12 week old, that both myself and the breeder thought was a pullet. Turned out to be a roo after another 6 weeks.

I'd say your Sablepoot is a roo with confidence, but for the Ara's, I couldn't tell you.
Thanks - that's interesting; I haven't had araucanas before so wasn't sure what to expect. Really hoping for at least one girl...!

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