Please tell me what happened**Update 6/17**

OMG...that is disgusting about the rats. Well, we do live on a farm and have an old farmhouse. There is one area of the basement that has a dirt crawlspace so I guess it's possible.

However, why now? I mean we raised a bunch of chicks over the years in that basement.

Did I look under the bedding....HELL NO!!!!!! I am a woman and save gross or dangerous jobs for my husband!! I just put a thin layer of bedding down over newspaper (enough to give them traction). But, there are no lumps or anything under bedding. My hubby did look at the brooder when he got home.

There is just the water and food in brooder with heat lamp hanging above cage.

I just don't get it. I mean we looked and there is no chick fluff or any chick parts around cage (sorry I know it sounds gross). Nothing. I mean nothing.
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I would put a big rat trap down in the brooder with some peanut butter on it. Whatever it was will probably come back. Leave the heat lamp on as well.

Sorry for your loss. How many chicks was it?

OMG.....I am about 100% horrified right now.

I have zero opening in the cage though so it's not like he could pull them out through a big opening. The 2 top doors were still closed shut.

It was 5 chicks.

I ordered a new batch but I am keeping them upstairs in my office this time when they arrive.

So, overall concensus from everyone is a rat, huh.

Never even crossed my mind...yuck!! I HATE rats about as much as I hate snakes. Those are my two biggies.

I know...some farm girl I am!!
Don't know if you have someone that has a motion sensor game camera do you? A lot of hunters have them. They are awesome for figuring out what's going on. I love mine. I had a snake that kept getting into mine and I lost a lot of chicks before I finally figured out how they were getting in there. I know rats can really make themselves small. Do you have a picture of your set-up?

A rat really is my first thought. My snakes in the brooder have always been to fat to get back out.
I just ran down and took photos. I am so scared to go down there now.

Anyway, I'll post the photos tonight after dinner.

Thank you for trying to help me solve this mystery!!!
I'm with you - I don't do snakes either. We keep our chicks in a brooder in the basement too. I got a security camera that plugs into a regular tv for $40. and attached it to the brooder. that way I can keep an eye and ear on what's going on down there. I got mine at BJ's but you can find them online. I love it because it keeps the dogs entertained watching the peeps at a safe distance and I can tell when the kids decide to play with them.
I have no idea what to say except that I am so so sorry! What a horrible thing to go through, poor little babies too!
Gee that is awful!!!!
Those filthy rats I hate them worse than snakes I think!! Hope you can find out what happened so it never happens again.
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