Please tell me what it is?


8 Years
May 1, 2011
I'm hoping someone can tell me what this is? Breed and sex? I know what I was told I was buying, but now I want to know what I really got



It's about 18 weeks, has not crowed or layed, sometimes acts like a hen, sometimes acts like a roo-just to screw with me
It has very green legs

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Sort of looks hen-ish to me. This is an Ameraucana rooster I used to have--see the very pointy saddle feathers hanging off the back in front of the tail? Hens' feathers there are more rounded, not pointy.

I love you!!
I was so sure this was a roo, it was sold to me in a pair of Ameraucana "pullets". The other had a disableing condition and she died yesterday. This one really took care of her, kind of like a roo. But in her last couple days this ones behavior changed a lot! It started acting like a hen all the sudden, which threw the rest of the coop off, now everyone is acting wierd. Thanks for you input!!
Well, I hope I'm right. Sometimes, Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas can be harder to sex and some will fool you, but I don't really see anything that makes me think yours is a male right now. I've had a few late bloomers fool me, but not usually as late as 18 weeks old, if you are really sure of the age.
Definitely an EE. It looks like a pullet, but those darker reddish patches on the wings are throwing me off. The feathers don't look really shiny, but I thought that if there were reddish patches then it was a roo.
I'm still fairly new at this, but none of my girls have reddish feathers on them. They all have that orangy brown color though.
So glad I posted the pics here
I'm sure of the age, I got the pair as day old chicks. I hope everyone is correct
I was SO looking forward to some colorful eggs. Thanks!

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