please tell me what kind of chickens i have.


8 Years
Jan 22, 2012
well you've got some black, some white and some beige - there you go.

you could post photos on "what gender or breed is this?"
No I don't, we ordered them from Meyers nursery as "brown egg layers". Guess we could give them a call but they may just randomly choose chicks.
Okay will that helps more, if the breed is a brown egg layer then it will most likely be one if the following breed of chicken:


Red Star/ Black Star

Rhode Island Red

White Giants

Black Giants

White Orpington

Buff Orpington

Buff Rocks

These are the breeds that look most like the picture of your chickens :) Hope it helped.
The yellow ones look to be Buff Orpingtons
The white ones will be White Giants if they have long tails or White Rocks if their tails are shorter and fluffy like the Buffs

The black ones....I can't tell in the photo, but if they have any red interlaced in their feathers (red bleed through) they will be your Black Stars
If all black...then they are your Austrolopes...which is what I am guessing as I am not seeing obvious red bleed through
If they get really big in size, they will be Black Jersey Giants

They also all look to be pullets (the ones with their heads facing the camera or giving a nice profile shot).

Lady of McCamley
Well, they look like Buff Orpingtons, White Rocks, and Austrolopes. I get to keep 8 and need to give 18 to a friend. Any recommendations on which ones to keep? Thank you all for your input.
It depends on what you want to keep them for. Orps tend to be friendly and often pet like even if that is what you want but are not grain efficient they eat a lot for the eggs they give....but they get heavier and are considered dual purpose for meat and eggs. The others are better keepers and layers so if egg quantity is your goal the others would likely be better.
my experiences anyway.
Lady of McCamley
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