PLESE HELP!!!! Chickens beak got bit off

Thank you for posting. I just went back to your first post and picture one year ago yesterday, and it is such a miracle that Fuzzy Bum has survived and done so well. Thank you for giving us news on how she is doing every now and then. May you all have a wonderful New Year!
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Thank you all so very much. Fuzzy Bum sure is a living miracle, proof, that with God, all things are possible. :) Fuzzy Bum is a very happy girl, and she makes me the happiest chicken owner I could ever be. Hugs to all of you!! You have been part of her special journey and have helped so much . <3
How is fuzzy bum?!
Hi everyone!! :) Fuzzy Bum is doing great. I had to be away from her for a week because I was on vacation to St. Lucia. It was so hard to be apart from my baby girl for so long, and I missed her a lot! But now, we are reunited once again.

We have soooo much snow, and Fuzzy Bum is not entirely impressed with it.

Fuzzy Bum keeping warm indoors. She likes perching up high on the beam.

This is Fuzzy Bum with her sister Shake.

Poor Fuzzy Bum. She did not like my chicken mittens. She ran away from me.

Fuzzy Bum sends you all her hugs and kisses!!!!
Maybe next time Miss Fuzzy Bum will have to come to St. Luica with me. After all, they did have wild chickens on the beach and in the mountains. :)

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