pls help putting price tag on my babies 😭

Yeah definitely do some looking on your closest local craigslists. Here in northeast oklahoma I had people going wild on my red bourbon jake for $50, which is pretty low, most adult toms I see on our craigslist are around 65-80, with hens being similar or rarely sold outside of pairs. I see pairs for 100-150.

If you care about where or how they end up dont sell too low. Set a price you think might deter someone from just buying your tom to butcher, if that's something you care about.
Yeah definitely do some looking on your closest local craigslists. Here in northeast oklahoma I had people going wild on my red bourbon jake for $50, which is pretty low, most adult toms I see on our craigslist are around 65-80, with hens being similar or rarely sold outside of pairs. I see pairs for 100-150.

If you care about where or how they end up dont sell too low. Set a price you think might deter someone from just buying your tom to butcher, if that's something you care about.
Thank you
Yes i definitely do not want anyone to butcher my babies lol. I haven't checked craigslist I'll have to look there at some point
Turkey is the species, blue slate is the breed.
The species is Meleagris gallopavo

According to APA the breed is turkey
Turkey is the species, blue slate is the breed.
You can check with the APA who only recognizes one breed which is Turkey. They recognize 8 varieties of the breed Turkey. Blue Slate is one of those varieties. There are many more varieties that they don't recognize.

The genus is Meleagris and the species is gallopavo for all domestic turkeys.

The term breed is used differently for different animals and birds. Turkeys are not chickens and are much, much more closely related to each other than chickens are. They have a much smaller gene pool.

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