Plymouth Barred Rock pullet or roo 5 weeks


8 Years
Jan 1, 2012
Gallatin TN
I have 4 Plymouth Barred rock and I think 2 are Roos. Here are pics. The bottom two are the same bird.



OK, some education is in order here.

The breed is Plymouth Rock. This breed has several varieties. Buff, White, Barred, Partridge, Silver Penciled, Columbian, Blue, etc.

They are all Plymouth Rocks. The proper way to say the variety is this.

Barred Plymouth Rocks (not Plymouth Barred Rocks)
Buff Plymouth Rocks
Partridge Plymouth Rocks

And so on. There. Class dismissed. To the chicken coop for recess!!!! Yay!!.
OK, some education is in order here.  

The breed is Plymouth Rock.   This breed has several varieties.  Buff, White, Barred, Partridge, Silver Penciled, Columbian, Blue, etc.

They are all Plymouth Rocks.  The proper way to say the variety is this.

Barred Plymouth Rocks     (not Plymouth Barred Rocks)
Buff Plymouth Rocks
Partridge Plymouth Rocks

And so on.  There.  Class dismissed.  To the chicken coop for recess!!!!   Yay!!.
Thank you for setting the record straight and clarifying my confusion!! That is what I get for posting this while multitasking....LOL
5 weeks

Can u get a better comb pic? I also have Partridge Rocks (6) and a couple of them have pretty good size combs... I'm thinking I have a couple of Roos, but they are only just over 3 weeks and I'm new to raising ;) I'd love to compare our PR'S, I have a hard time finding many pics online to compare too
That was as good as I can get. I have also heard that they take longer to feather out than pullets. Good luck having Pullets!

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