Plymouth Barred Rock Story

I watched the video, and it's just her opinion of three breeds, based on the chickens she's owned and the traits she wants in personality and behavior - NOT at all the "worst chicken breeds" in general. So much of their behavior is due to the environment, their handler, feed quality, climate, other chickens, yada yada.... I disagree with her opinion of the Barred Plymouth Rocks. These girls are very sweet and dependable, and good broodies and mothers. At least *mine* are. They're not mean or bullies at all. I haven't had a Leghorn that I know of, but I do have a few unidentified white chickens - they are dependable and great layers, but yes, they are flighty and skittish. No matter, I don't keep chickens for pets. Their job is to make my breakfast and dinner. And I have Rhode Island Red hens - and mine are just like she described. I no longer have any RIR roosters due to their aggressiveness, and the older girls I've lost or culled were due to being egg-bound or just stopped laying.

However, I kept one RIR rooster for 7 years, and he was the SWEETEST, calmest boy ever. He got picked on terribly by the others: One day I heard a ruckus, and found him with his head plunged into a coffee can. Three other roos were beating the hell out of him. By the time he healed up and rejoined the flock, I'd dispatched the other three and good riddance. For awhile, he enjoyed being King Bird. LOL. Since the coffee can fight, he'd follow me around everywhere and let me pet and hold him. When he was too old and weak to beat off predators, he'd put himself in a wide open area away from the flock and squat down, while the younger roos (BPRs, EE's, other mutts) herded the girls to safety. I believe he was playing DECOY to protect the flock. Amazing Ol' Red. I still miss him.

One more comment about the breeds (2, she says) that she likes best - Australorps, and Buff Orpingtons. My experience has been the same with these - they are the calmest, sweetest chickens ever, and VERY good mothers. They're my favorites, too. However, she must not realize they aren't two separate breeds --- they are both Orpingtons. The Aussies were just developed in Australia, and the Buffs are so-called for their coloring.
Hi all. My name is Justin and I’m in Australia. Been a long time chicken holder. Since I was a kid, now 37yo. Never had Plymouth Rock. At what age do these little gems start to lay? I’ve had them 26 weeks now. They are well looked after, pen is cleaned every week, good feed, clean water, clean nests. From what I’ve read they start lay around 28 weeks. Late starters.
Hi all. My name is Justin and I’m in Australia. Been a long time chicken holder. Since I was a kid, now 37yo. Never had Plymouth Rock. At what age do these little gems start to lay? I’ve had them 26 weeks now. They are well looked after, pen is cleaned every week, good feed, clean water, clean nests. From what I’ve read they start lay around 28 weeks. Late starters.
Any day now, Justin. 😉
Haha! My thoughts exactly!
Yep, same here.
My second in command is a Barred Rock, Rosie, she started laying around 28 weeks and is very vocal but lovable. She allows you to pick her up, anyone not just me, and she will sit on your lap and if you talk to her she answers. She defends the first in command, my Leghorn, and won't let anyone punk anyone else! We call her 'Nosie' Rosie bc she is the first one out of the coop looking around no matter what time of day it is and will follow you every where.
Yep, same here.
My second in command is a Barred Rock, Rosie, she started laying around 28 weeks and is very vocal but lovable. She allows you to pick her up, anyone not just me, and she will sit on your lap and if you talk to her she answers. She defends the first in command, my Leghorn, and won't let anyone punk anyone else! We call her 'Nosie' Rosie bc she is the first one out of the coop looking around no matter what time of day it is and will follow you every where.
Haha! Love it! Yeah I’ve definitely noticed the Plymouth Rock are a very docile and friendly breed. Both hens and roosters let me pay them. Unlike my coronation Sussex which are extremely flighty and on edge. Won’t let me near them.
Update: My Merci is definitely a Lap Chicken. YAY!!! :wee
Every time I go into the run, she is right there ready to jump on me. Oh So Happy!!!!

She is also my brave girl & is the first one to try out all the new toys.
JUL_1357 copy_2.jpg

Loving my Merci Girl!!!
I'm glad your Barred Rock is so sweet, but my Big Rhonda is feisty as hell.

She yells and complains to me all day, picks on the other hens, and when I'm picking fresh tomatoes from my garden that I've been waiting so patiently for, she jumps up and takes bites out of the tomatoes. 😡

But even with that said, I would gladly take another BR hen. She's healthy, lays well, and is quite hilarious.
I'm glad your Barred Rock is so sweet, but my Big Rhonda is feisty as hell.View attachment 3211059

She yells and complains to me all day, picks on the other hens, and when I'm picking fresh tomatoes from my garden that I've been waiting so patiently for, she jumps up and takes bites out of the tomatoes. 😡

But even with that said, I would gladly take another BR hen. She's healthy, lays well, and is quite hilarious.
Oh My ..... haha 😄 That's funny. I'm happy to hear that even tho ... You would gladly get another. Mine are all pretty young. So, I haven't seen any 'feisty' behavior. But, I'm always watching.

I have noticed that my Lily (Cream Legbar) is a loner & very independent. She happily does her own thing. She'll cuddle & perch with the group a lot. But, she is content being alone. It's interesting seeing their individual personalities develop.

Thanks for sharing about Big Rhonda. :D

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