Plymouth Rock thread!

Not sure about who in Cali has them, but Wynette (a moderator here on BYC) has some of the BEST Silver Penciled LF Plymouth Rocks that I've seen

Might be worth a PM to her as I don't know what she has available (eggs, chicks, etc)

Good luck, they are a beautiful color variety

Never bought any of her stock, but she is such a nice person I would if I was buying more. Here is her website she is in Michigan.

Thanks so much!
cherylcohen she is from Calif. had some SPPRs here a while back they were all for sale. I think she was/is in partners with Wynette if all my facts are straight. LOL

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Hi all! Newbie here. My 2 BPR's are 2 weeks old right now. So far they are the only chicks that want nothing to do with me. I am constantly handling everyone too. Although just recently they have been helping themselves to my arm when I go in their brooder. Hoping they turn around and become super friendly like my RIR and slikie.
cherylcohen she is from Calif. had some SPPRs here a while back they were all for sale. I think she was/is in partners with Wynette if all my facts are straight. LOL


I think the chicks are $6 and express shipping.

Thanks! found some over on the Northern California thread. She has the stock from Cheryl and is now putting up her breeding pens. :)

A picture of my cockerel at 11 months, he as been indoors since last June hence the loss of colour in his legs and beak but this will be back in a month. He is very bloody, fighting with another cockerel yesterday he flew over the fence somehow? He lost quite a few flight feathers in the fight and next doors dog bit is tail feathers.
He reminds me of the early USA SOP type shown in a book dated 1905. He is not as big as US or Australian males but big enough for the UK.
Wao they look so pretty
, Yea we have hatched several silver penciled rocks, we bought eggs from Die Fly Ranch, we bought a young Cockerel also and last year we had purchased to pullets from another breeder, they have been laying for awhile and finally our roo took interest, so tonight all 4 of my first 4 SPR eggs hatched
I am so happy these are mine not someone elses, but mine

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