Plymouth Rock thread!

Can't wait for my barred rocks to make their appearance in a few weeks! The more I read/ hear about them, the more I fall In love
I cant wait to get in the country. First thing I am doing is ordering some of your Columbians Yard full of rocks. So who has the best buff rocks to get? And tommysgirl where did you get your chocolates?
Ok they are right at 5/6 wks maybe 7 now but I'm dog sick today with the crudola and miserble at the moment I will try to get some up on here though. I really like these guys I think we are going to do well here together, easy going and seem to be growing at a good steady pace now but they sure got some getting "prettier" to do still yet they look like horns before daylight with the plumage they have on now,LOL

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Last year I bought some Plymouth Rocks from TSC and this year hatched eggs to increase the flock. What I am wondering about now is has anyone heard of a sex link that causes the males to have a yellow back when a chick before their black/white feathers grow in? I ended up with 2 chicks with yellow backs and 4 with dark backs. At around 6 weeks those that had the yellow backs started to grow red combs. Also those with dark backs have started to show darker colour in the black and white feathers and developed tail feathers first. None ever had a clear, distinct head dot. The ones really looking like will be hens based on the development I saw in the TSC batch also had a black bar on their beak at hatching though the males also got one after a few weeks old.

I can't find any info on a sex link causing a Barred Rock to have a yellow back on the male at hatching. They all went to the standard black and white with the yellow backed one now being the lighter black/white feathers and red comb growing. He also developed tail feathers last. The dark backed chicks are now darker in colour compared to him with only small yellow comb ridges.

The bad news is the roo has gone to that great cooking pot on the stove, so will have to wait until his son starts sowing his oats and hatching next year eggs out to see if still holds true. If it does, I may have a new BR sex link breed :) Please let me know if you have heard or noticed this before in your chicks.

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