Plymouth Rocks ?

What breed is Nice Guy?

  • Nice Guy is a Plymouth Rock

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Nice Guy is a cross breed

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Nice Guy is a different breed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 27, 2017
Hi all.

These are my roosters

Let's call then Big Fella (yellow feet and beak) and Nice Guy (white feet and beak).

Nice Guy cost me $10 from a farm in the country and was sold to me as a Plymouth Rock. What do you think? He doesn't have yellow feet (I didn't really know the classic features then). He is very nice, polite to the hens, cares for them, and has never been aggressive to people.

Big Fella cost me $50 as a "puller" who turned out to be a rooster. Thankfully I got my money back so he was essentially free. He is loud and very aggressive to people. You can't walk through the yard without a stick or something at the ready. (I am working on training him out of it but he's very volatile). I think I may need to get rid of him but he's the one who seems to have the best Plymouth Rock features for breeding.

Both are beautiful. If I were you I’d only keep Nice Guy.
To find a rooster with his quality’s is awesome. He’s a keeper. Why have him compete. Especially since the other one is showing such clear signs of aggression. They can do real damage. Best wishes
Both are beautiful. If I were you I’d only keep Nice Guy.
To find a rooster with his quality’s is awesome. He’s a keeper. Why have him compete. Especially since the other one is showing such clear signs of aggression. They can do real damage. Best wishes
Thanks. It's a tough one since I was trying to breed some Plymouth Rocks... he is a nice rooster though so he can probably stay Maybe I can replace the other one.
Thanks man. That's helpful
I’m happy to help :highfive:
Thanks. It's a tough one since I was trying to breed some Plymouth Rocks... he is a nice rooster though so he can probably stay Maybe I can replace the other one.
If you do breed the Plymouth Rock cock with the bad temper his sons will most likely inherit his temper.
I’m happy to help :highfive:

If you do breed the Plymouth Rock cock with the bad temper his sons will most likely inherit his temper.

Yeah that's what I'm worried about, although I'm hoping to hatch hens haha! I've got a broody hen sitting on 7 of his PR hens' eggs right now. I think I'll have to find a replacement PR cockerel next year but no promises I won't find myself in the same situation Haha oh well. It's a lottery I guess.

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