Plz diagnose


10 Years
Nov 22, 2014
Jalalabad,Nangarhar, Afghanistan.
I'm devastated.
I lost two of my favorite Aseel cockerels to paralysis+mild respiratory symptoms.
A week ago one of my Aseel cockerels was laming on right leg.
Just a day later he couldn't walk however he was eating and drinking.
He had a little bit nasal discharge and was sneezing a few times a day.
He died 3 days post showing symptoms.
3 days earlier another of my Aseel cocokerel came down with same symptoms.
When I cut his joint connecting right leg to thigh,some yellowish liquid came out of it.

I'm posting a few pictures,if possible plz diagnose.
I may give up my most favourite hobby due to this illness.
I have 53 other chickens as well.
I have been keeping chickens for 21 years now.
I LOVE chickens, I do not want to lose my flock.
Do you have an agricultural lab anywhere nearby? That's really the only way to pin down a diagnosis.

But it does look like an avian virus that causes tumors. Marek's and avian leucosis both cause tumors such as you've found. But a lab technician needs to examine tissue under a microscope to confirm what it is.

This could have consequences for your other chickens as avian viruses are very contagious.
Do you have an agricultural lab anywhere nearby? That's really the only way to pin down a diagnosis.

But it does look like an avian virus that causes tumors. Marek's and avian leucosis both cause tumors such as you've found. But a lab technician needs to examine tissue under a microscope to confirm what it is.

This could have consequences for your other chickens as avian viruses are very contagious.
My city is under complete lockdown due to coronavirus.
All veterinary labs are closed.
That's unfortunate. There really isn't much to be done about this.

I have lymphoid leucosis in my flock. It causes tumors on organs and joints. However, unlike Marek's, most chickens develop resistance to it, though they carry the virus in their cells. I have a hunch this could be what your flock has.

Marek's, on the other hand, is much more devastating to a flock. But there are usually classic signs - lameness, balance issues, to name just a couple. Marek's has much higher mortality than LL and few chickens are able to develop resistance.
That's unfortunate. There really isn't much to be done about this.

I have lymphoid leucosis in my flock. It causes tumors on organs and joints. However, unlike Marek's, most chickens develop resistance to it, though they carry the virus in their cells. I have a hunch this could be what your flock has.

Marek's, on the other hand, is much more devastating to a flock. But there are usually classic signs - lameness, balance issues, to name just a couple. Marek's has much higher mortality than LL and few chickens are able to develop resistance.
Do chickens go lame due to lymphoid leucosis?
Both of my chickens were laming and had some nasal discharge as well.
However both had very good appetite for food and water.

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