Pneumonia /aspergillosis


Mar 28, 2017
Hello fellow duck lovers, my 3-week old duckling was suddenly struggling badly to breathe. A very loud audible breath. So I did some research online and on this site and it seemed to be pointing in the direction od aspergillosis and my heart just sank. I called my farm vet and he suggested I wait as he thought maybe a cold. The next day I insisted he comes by as I was very worried. Farm vets are busy, he said between 2 and 3 so I anxiously waited for him, finally showed up at 7:30 pm. I understand how thing go with farm vet, very busy and must go to the big emergencies first. Well ducks are certainly not his usual call, he was perplexed and was ot too aware of aspergillosis but he agreed he thought it may be the case. He did not have any anti-fugal, so we chose to put on on antibiotics and fingers crossed. We had to weight her on my kitchen scale as he had no idea how to dose such a wee little one. So started her on the antibiotic Friday evening, by Sunday still o change I I really thought her little heart wouls give out from such strenuous breathing. I was thinking he may need to return and help her with her transition. Well, some Monday morning I made a call to an avian vet who was not able to have the duck come to her office, but requested I send her a video of my ducking. How awesome is this, such a wonderful caring person. The video was sent, and she suspects pneumonia. Instructed to continue on the antibiotic and well she is finally almost breathing normally. I am so very relieved, it was very hard watching and hearing her struggle so much. I'm glad I made some calls and insisted my vet comes by. I also had him do annual vaccines for my horse while he was here. Farm calls can be pricey, luckily he lives close to me and drives by daily. Anyway don't make an assumption too quickly as I know aspergillosis is a scary word, I'm really happy to see her pull through. Antibiotic used was Baytril 10% twice daily, she;s still currently on it and will make sure she gets the full course of it. Anyway thought I would share in case this can help someone else.
Wow that was scary! Glad she is better. Aspergillus is dangerous but not that common I thought. Did you have reason to suspect she was exposed to a source of the spores? I know it can be a concern with freshly chipped wood, especially ramial branches with lots of green mixed in.
Wow that was scary! Glad she is better. Aspergillus is dangerous but not that common I thought. Did you have reason to suspect she was exposed to a source of the spores? I know it can be a concern with freshly chipped wood, especially ramial branches with lots of green mixed in.
Pine wet shaving, even tho I changed the litter twice a day.

Spores are kinda everywhere and not too hard to get into. I had them out int the barn briefly on hay, could also have been there. I'm shocked that the avian vet suspects pneumnia as I am so cautious about everything. Who knows could have come with her from where I got her. I found out afterward that it has a very bad reputation. And many of their birds have respiratory infections :( Just glad she is recovering, she won;t change the world, but I have changed hers :)
Wow that was scary! Glad she is better. Aspergillus is dangerous but not that common I thought. Did you have reason to suspect she was exposed to a source of the spores? I know it can be a concern with freshly chipped wood, especially ramial branches with lots of green mixed in.
thank you for this reply. I have had a duck for 8 yrs with off and on again symptoms. this recent breakout was right after I put fresh chipped mulch in the coop.

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