PNW homestead


In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2018
Hi, I'm a homesteader on 9 acres in the PNW. I had a small commercial flock, about 300 hens, of pastured layers in California before heading north to do things on a smaller scale. I brought my "hobby" flock with me, along with a few Muscovys, sheep, goats, retired horses, dogs, and cats. After a few years and a lot of fixer-uppering the new homestead is beginning to provide for me.

I am breeding Black Copper Marans (and blue and splash) as my primary focus. They are a great farmstead breed that forage well and are great moms. They lay well and are also nice for eating. I also play around with a few Legbars. There are a few Ameraucanas and Olive Eggers flapping around, too. I like a colorful box of eggs in the fridge. Food should look as good as it tastes.

I'm a proponent or suburban back yard chickens. I am also a Master Gardener and I try to combine the two topics whenever I am communicating with other gardeners (or soon to be gardeners).
G'Day from down under JCAS :frow Welcome!

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

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Hi and welcome to BYC!
That is amazing about your commercial flock of 300 hens! My ultimate Dream is to have a Hatchery! Although I haven't decided whether to lean towards Hatchery or Breeder.
I'm glad you have joined and I'm sure I can learn alot from you!
Especially Gardening. I love to Garden but don't always know the best ways to go about things!

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