Pockets of air expanding when she breathes and possibly blind


Jun 21, 2020
My Coop
My Coop
I just got a new order of chicks in because I suddenly lost two from my order last week. I just noticed that my Black Sumatra chick will not open her eyes at all. She can, because she has peeked them open one or twice but it seems as if she can't see at all. The area around her beak, "cheeks" and throat seem to expand as if they are filling with air as she breathes. I can NOT lose another chick. I will upload a video of her breathing soon.
I'm worried to put her in with the others if she continues to show no signs of sight. The first group is a week old but not too much bigger. My bantams may even be smaller than these new guys. The brooder is spacious but I'm still afraid she may be vulnerable to any of the older ones' harassment.
Can you put her in a shoebox or corner of the brooder but still under the heat and with her own food and water? Have you dipped its beak several times in food and water? Poultry Cell or NutriDrench 2-3 drops daily can be a good boost for a couple of days when shipping stress is suspected. It might be that you may lose this chick, but hopefully, the others will do better. Sometimes a hatchery can have a bad hatch of a certain breed, and of course if they are in the mail too long, have shipping stress, or cold temperatures, that can affect them. I have lost some of the more rare breeds from hatcheries before. Sorry that you are having problems.
Can you put her in a shoebox or corner of the brooder but still under the heat and with her own food and water? Have you dipped its beak several times in food and water? Poultry Cell or NutriDrench 2-3 drops daily can be a good boost for a couple of days when shipping stress is suspected. It might be that you may lose this chick, but hopefully, the others will do better. Sometimes a hatchery can have a bad hatch of a certain breed, and of course if they are in the mail too long, have shipping stress, or cold temperatures, that can affect them. I have lost some of the more rare breeds from hatcheries before. Sorry that you are having problems.
She's pulled through after I helped her open her eyes gently. She drinks water strangely, barely dipping her beak (I helped her several times first), but at least she drinks it at all. I may add the electrolyte pack to it. It took a while to help her figure out how to eat but eventually we got it. I've been watching her behavior with the others and she seems pretty feisty. She pecks back! She grabbed one of the older one's toes and knocked her over somehow. She seems to like running around very much, too.

Her breathing still looks strange, but it's not as severe and it doesn't seem to bother or hurt her in any way. I guess her strange behavior could be attributed to a traumatic journey home. Again, their box was crushed on one corner and clearly they'd gone through some rough beating. It is also cold and rainy out. I'm still watching her, I've barely left the room all day. I will update tomorrow or if I see any changes.

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