Polish chic died unexpectedly. Eye issue.


Dec 2, 2020
You all have been very helpful and Ive learned a lot from this site. We have 8 polish chicks around 6 weeks old. We recently put them in the coop with 3 young hens going on 5 months old and a young one legged duck. A few days ago we noticed a baby chic had an eye problem, she was keeping one eye closed. I put water on it and she opened it for a bit but then it would close. This morning we found her dead and noticed another with an eye problem. The hens seems to get along with the chics but today we saw one corner one and peck at it. Now we are not sure if the littles were injured or if eye infection is a symptom of a deadly disease. We are getting a cage out tomorrow and removing then from hen coop. Prayers for all the baby chicks in need 😇👏🙏🏼❤️ please us know if you have any advice.
The coop is about 5x5x7. The top has nesting boxes and roosting poles😀The chicks are 7 weeks old. They don’t have a place to hide. They have been in there for several weeks. At first, we had a dog cage in the coop for them but it was crammed and they seemed to spend their time up top. About a week ago we put in the nesting boxes and took the cages out. We are around in the day. They have a yard to roam and access to the coop. The go in and out all day. The 3 hens that are a few, months older didn’t seem to mind them.
The hens seems to get along with the chics but today we saw one corner one and peck at it. Now we are not sure if the littles were injured or if eye infection is a symptom of a deadly disease.
Please post some photos of your set-up, the chicks, their poop and the eye problem(s).
What do you feed?
Dumor chic feed. Mealworm mix. We have also been giving them eggs. We didn’t get a pic of the the poop yet. We separated them for a day last weekend and their poop looked okay.


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Can someone send help to my baby chick..just 4 days old...her right side below the next seems swollen
Hi @Eva_hatchings do you have a thread of your own, I can't find it.
Can you please give more info and some photos?
You mention swelling on the right side below the "next" I assume you mean "neck"?
Could it be your chick's crop that you are feeling?

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