Polish chick sparing with my feet- does she seem like a cockerel?

Jemma Rider

Nov 25, 2017
I posted a thread about two months ago regarding my chicks genders. Everyone who replied believed that they were all pullets but I'm not so sure. I got my babies back in July, one dark cornish, one polish and one d'uccle.
My polish has started sparing with my feet when i get close to her. She pecks and raises the feathers on her neck.
Does this mean she's a cockerel? Or do pullets do this as well?
I can get pictures later i don't have access to a camera at the moment. I don't think she looks particularly like a cockerel, her waddles are very small and not super red, she has no comb and her feathers don't look like rooster feathers to me but i know polishes can be hard to sex. It'll break my heart if i need to get rid of her, she's so pretty and has such a personality.
When she tries to fight with me could she just be trying to figure out the pecking order? I know it's a stretch but they're all fighting a bit right now anyway and she's always been high strung because of her crest.
Here's a pretty recent photo of her, taken sometime last week, I'm still going to get recent pictures later today but until then does she look like a cockerel?
While aggression is thought to be a cockerel trait, have no doubt that pullets and hens can and will be aggressive and mean, depending on their personality. I had multiple RLR pullets that were aggressive to me, attacking my feet when I'd walk by them and aggressively biting at me when adding feed. They 'outgrew' this behavior when I gave them a good two-fingered smack on the head.

This bird does not look like a cockerel to me. Could just be a meany. Mean pullets are easier to 'train' than mean cockerels, at least.
While aggression is thought to be a cockerel trait, have no doubt that pullets and hens can and will be aggressive and mean, depending on their personality. I had multiple RLR pullets that were aggressive to me, attacking my feet when I'd walk by them and aggressively biting at me when adding feed. They 'outgrew' this behavior when I gave them a good two-fingered smack on the head.

This bird does not look like a cockerel to me. Could just be a meany. Mean pullets are easier to 'train' than mean cockerels, at least.
Yeah, one of my adult hens is very rude, she pecks and scratches whenever i come inside of her personal space. I can deal with mean but if my polish is a cockerel i need to either give away her (him) or my adult rooster.

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