Aug 18, 2019
Hello! I would like to know what is the difference between a Padovana and a Polish chicken.
Is a Polish bearded a Padovana? Or there are more differences in these breeds? Is it a difference between american and european classification? They have different listing on wikipedia:

If you google Polish chicken you come up mostly with pictures of white crested black Polish. If you do the same for Padovana pictures of white laced buff and bearded chicken mostly come up. Any thoughts? In which of these 2 breeds my chickens fit in?

IMG_20190920_175017.jpg 20190920_125210.jpg 20190920_124615.jpg 20190920_122516.jpg 20190920_125200.jpg 20190920_115602.jpg
I have Polish Chickens. They lay (white) medium size to large eggs. I never scaled the eggs , but just as a comparison to my RIR which lays Xlarge.
My Polish are LF. I had a Bantam Polish maybe 10 years ago. Was somewhat smaller. These LF are smaller than my RIR.
Beautiful looking chickens! Yes, Polish are medium sized chickens in its LF counterpart. How often do your chickens lay? Are they skittish or flighty at all? Btw, do you have any idea if there is actually a difference between Polish and Padovana chickens?
I have Polish Chickens. They lay (white) medium size to large eggs. I never scaled the eggs , but just as a comparison to my RIR which lays Xlarge.
My Polish are LF. I had a Bantam Polish maybe 10 years ago. Was somewhat smaller. These LF are smaller than my RIR. View attachment 1919796 View attachment 1919798

Also I had 2 white crested black bantam Polish more than 15 years ago, as a kid..that i remember very vividly...they were crazy birds haha
How often do your chickens lay?
I only have 2 currently, and the white one lays about 4 eggs per week. The black and white, is currently not laying. I see her molting. The black and gold one went MIA. about 2 years ago. No trace found. I suspect she flew over the fence, and someone wrongfully decided to keep her.:(

Are they skittish or flighty at all?
Slightly skittish, and the 2 remaining are not flighty.

Btw, do you have any idea if there is actually a difference between Polish and Padovana chickens?

From what I read about the Padovana,,,,,, they are somewhat rare. They are also without a comb. Polish have a comb, but it is covered by the hairdo. They may have a common ancestor going back 600 years:idunno
Here is a pix of my bantam Polish.

How often do your chickens lay?
I only have 2 currently, and the white one lays about 4 eggs per week. The black and white, is currently not laying. I see her molting. The black and gold one went MIA. about 2 years ago. No trace found. I suspect she flew over the fence, and someone wrongfully decided to keep her.:(

Are they skittish or flighty at all?
Slightly skittish, and the 2 remaining are not flighty.

Btw, do you have any idea if there is actually a difference between Polish and Padovana chickens?

From what I read about the Padovana,,,,,, they are somewhat rare. They are also without a comb. Polish have a comb, but it is covered by the hairdo. They may have a common ancestor going back 600 years:idunno
Here is a pix of my bantam Polish.

It's possible. The golden laced black and the white laced buff ones which are newer additions to my flock seemed quite flighty I had to clip their wings to be sure. They were often nervous as well...I trimmed their crests to improve their vision, too. No other problems came up..I mean they mostly fit in with the rest now. On the other hand, the silver laced one which I have a liitle not flighty or nervous..a quite docile and friendly bird. She's 6 months old, the other two are 4 months old. When do they usually start to lay? I read somewhere its usual for a Polish chicken to lay around 8 months old.

All 3 of them have no obvious comb as far as I can maybe they re all Padovanas..even though their young age has something to do with it..

13 and 9 years? Great. Sounds like a good life span for a Sebright (or bantam in general) chicken I think. Is the far left one a Cornish? Btw about the bantam white/buff cockerel(?)..what breed is it? I have a similar looking cockerel that I cant quite figure out his breed (I think OEG with some Sebright in it)

[Here with one of my Polish/Padovana pullets]
Is the far left one a Cornish?
I think it was supposed to be some type of Blue laced Rock. I got it at the swap meet as a 2 year old chicken. I named her Rocky. Chicken did not stand very tall, but was stout, and quite heavy for the way she looked. Look at those legs,,,,, short, but thick.

Btw about the bantam white/buff cockerel(?)..what breed is it?
That is a Serama that someone gave me. They found her wondering in their alley. They tried to find owners, but were not successful. They knew I kept chickens, so offered her to me.
Here is another pix.
She was the size of my pigeon.
After she disappeared,,,, I got another Serama. That one died of pulmonary virus infection.....
I just got 2 more Seramas from a nearby BYCer this summer.
Is the far left one a Cornish?
I think it was supposed to be some type of Blue laced Rock. I got it at the swap meet as a 2 year old chicken. I named her Rocky. Chicken did not stand very tall, but was stout, and quite heavy for the way she looked. Look at those legs,,,,, short, but thick.

Btw about the bantam white/buff cockerel(?)..what breed is it?
That is a Serama that someone gave me. They found her wondering in their alley. They tried to find owners, but were not successful. They knew I kept chickens, so offered her to me.
Here is another pix.
She was the size of my pigeon.
After she disappeared,,,, I got another Serama. That one died of pulmonary virus infection.....
I just got 2 more Seramas from a nearby BYCer this summer.
View attachment 1921601

Yes. Those legs and the whole position of the body made me think of Cornish!

They are beautiful! I think about purchasing some Seramas as well!

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