Polish chicks and turkeys


Mar 1, 2023
I incubated polish chicks for place we buy feed from. Chicks did great. I'm doing turkey eggs now. I know it's 28 days for hatch. Today is day 27 one pipped. But the biggest egg started rocking 4 days ago and still hasn't pipped, still rocking. Is that normal. The one that pipped started rocking 2 days ago.
How did your hatch go? I hope everything went well!
Right after I posted this it pipped lol, unfortunately got up next morning foam looking stuff was coming out he was almost completely zipped. Wasn't moving chipping etc I took it out tried save him but he was already dead. I wish I would got up mid of night to check but he was doing so good. The other one hatched and doing great. I hate losing one that way, the thought that it drowned and suffered breaks my heart.
Right after I posted this it pipped lol, unfortunately got up next morning foam looking stuff was coming out he was almost completely zipped. Wasn't moving chipping etc I took it out tried save him but he was already dead. I wish I would got up mid of night to check but he was doing so good. The other one hatched and doing great. I hate losing one that way, the thought that it drowned and suffered breaks my heart.
I'm so sorry to hear he didn't make it. :hugs

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