Polish Crested 5 mos. old cockerel desperately seeking forever home (Chapel Hill, NC)

He's quite small, but still larger than his sister (cousin?) chick who is the same age. He's about twice the size of my Silkie, but only about a third of the size of my big Welsummer rooster. I can get more specific measurements in the morning, if you'd like.

As for sickness, none of my chickens has ever had any noticeable sickness, other than my elderly Buff Orpington hen who was lethargic for a few weeks before passing away about two years ago. Half of my hens had the Marek's vaccination at the hatchery before they shipped, but Stella was not vaccinated.

In hindsight, I should have known something was up when Stella started to look like a runt compared to his sister/cousin, Eliza, when they were just a few weeks old. I should have realized Stella was smaller because the male chicks tend to stay smaller than the females until they reach about a dozen weeks old, then outgrow them.
Thanks granny.I'm trying to talk myself out of it lol. What if I mated him with my white silkie? Is that what you mean ?

If you like mutts it would make pretty ones. Polish arent really layers as much as eye candy. Lay about every other day. so if you wanted him for breeding that is what to expect from a mix of him and silkie.
If adding little Eliza with Stella would convince you, I guess I could part with her to ensure Stella finds a good home. They have been raised together since Day 1, so I can convince myself parting with her, too, is for the best, since the two will be together.

Eliza is frizzled, all black, with some white in her black bouffant feather-do. She's really, really sweet, too -- sometimes a little jumpy since she can't see above her with all those head feathers, but sweet when she realizes it's just me.
Will you be able to meet somewhere in Greensboro? I lost one of my polish hens and the one I have left is lonely. My other chickens don't like her much so she's all by herself in her own coop. I will be glad to provide them both with a very good home if you can arrange to meet.

Here's a pic of my lone polish hen.

Oh my goodness. That sounds like a perfect arrangement for Stella and Eliza, but I have already agreed to re-home them with rIrs roost. I'll let you know if there's any change in plans. Thank you so much for your interest! Your little hen is adorable, and it breaks my heart that she has to be all alone! :(

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